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Samui: cool Apr 18 2020, 01:04 PM

Kira Resari: I just found out that Tamamo no Mae is featured in Gegege no Kitaro. Here's her first appearance. =^,^= https://www.gogoanime1.com/watch/gegege-no-kitarou-2018/episode/episode-74 Apr 18 2020, 05:04 AM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Nanaca Crash with a score of 4949.85! Mar 14 2020, 05:03 PM

Kira Resari: Aaaand, that's it with my fox shrine thread! Crud, it fell jsut short of 100,000 "views" =^,~'= Dec 14 2019, 09:12 AM

Kira Resari: Yay! The new Pokémon feature new foxes! Soon I can build a team entirely composed from different fox Pokémon =^,^= https://serebii.net/pokedex-swsh/thievul/ Nov 17 2019, 01:11 AM

Kira Resari: Today features the climax of my Japanese spiritual fox experience with an epic ceremony at Toyokawa Inari Betsuin Nov 03 2019, 01:11 AM

Kira Resari: I also wrote/am still writing a blog about all that: http://kiraresari.blogspot.com/ Oct 10 2019, 07:10 AM

Kira Resari: If you check the dates of my Shrine Visits, you'll notice quite a number of gaps which are the days I worked on. =^,^= Oct 10 2019, 07:10 AM

Kira Resari: Not quite. I spent the last two years doing working holidays of New Zealand and Japan. =^,^= Oct 10 2019, 07:10 AM

Queen Chibi: I'm kind of curious how this works Oct 10 2019, 04:10 AM

Queen Chibi: ... so are you just wealthy enough to tour shrines or something? Oct 10 2019, 04:10 AM

Kira Resari: And today: Toyokawa, the Town of Vulpinity =^,^= Oct 08 2019, 01:10 AM

Kira Resari: Featuring today, the shrine with the highest concentrations of foxes in all of Japan: Reigitsunedsuka ~ The Spirit Fox Den =^,^= Oct 03 2019, 12:10 AM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of X-Training I with a score of 16.25! Sep 28 2019, 01:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of X-Training I with a score of 1.958! Sep 28 2019, 01:09 PM

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Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Kulkis with a score of 3835! Sep 18 2019, 07:09 PM

Kira Resari: Twitch is another of those things that completely passed me by. I suppose I'm just an old-fashioned fox =^,~'= Sep 17 2019, 01:09 AM

Samui: I'm slowly working on an update for the main page's Twitch listing to pull channels from that field. It's a bit of a transition to an eventual overhaul. Sep 15 2019, 11:09 PM

Samui: Oh yeah, I've added a profile field for twitch. Sep 15 2019, 11:09 PM

Glacia: Queen Chibi became the new champion of Kulkis with a score of 3265! Sep 11 2019, 05:09 AM

Glacia: Queen Chibi became the new champion of Jewels with a score of 24420! Sep 11 2019, 04:09 AM

Glacia: Queen Chibi became the new champion of Cubefield with a score of 461760! Sep 11 2019, 04:09 AM

Kira Resari: There will be at least one web browser that is still going to support it, because people will still want to play flash games, and whatever browser supports it will get the influx of those people =^,^= Sep 11 2019, 12:09 AM

Queen Chibi: some browsers won't let you play flash games unless you have a current versions Sep 10 2019, 05:09 PM

Author Topic: Some Guidelines for Making Your RP  (Read 7731 times)

Offline Sylver

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Some Guidelines for Making Your RP
« on: Apr 19 2009, 09:40 PM »
Okay, just a foreword here- I think this is the right place for this to be posted, but if it isn't, I'd like to be notified. And just so everybody knows, I'm just making this for newcomers to role playing. We've got rules on how to play, but we don't have any for making an RP.
Also: I'm not the greatest RP maker of all time. I'm nowhere near- I'm just somebody who can't stand unorganized drivel. Just to clear that up and all.

Okay, here we go. Just some pointers and such.

Every role play needs a plot (or at least any proper RP). The absence of a plot usually isn't much of a concern, however, the pacing or story itself often is.
I elaborate on this section below.

Every plot needs direction. Without it, the players can lose interest, and as a consequence, the RP dies (obviously, this is NOT a good thing).
To keep this from happening, there are a few things you can do.
- Plan ahead. I cannot stress this enough. This will keep everything flowing, so no jerky, out of the blue, random happenings (unless that's what you want, but plan it anyway, trust me), something which can disorient or even cause players to quit.
- Keep moving forward. If you don't, people lose interest. Most players don't like having to make up the bulk of the plot themselves- and as such they often leave the role play (and shun you for eternity).

Yes, you read that right. While originality is best, cliched, generic plots can still create interesting RPs. All you need, actually, are a few plot twists, and you can change a generic plot into a somewhat original one.

The introduction to a Role play often decides whether or not I join it. If it's dull, boring, and stupid, it gives me the impression the RP will be the same. It doesn't matter on the medium- a bad intro can ruin the greatest of books, movies, comics, anything.
Simply put, your intro will often make or break your RP.
This is actually quite important. If you make a highly detailed, intricate plot, be ready to shred it. Not everyone thinks the way you do. And that means people can drag the RP all over the map. Not that that's a bad thing- in fact, it's a good thing; it can take the RP in all kinds of wonderful new directions, trust me.
But remember- keep the plot as general as possible while letting it still have direction, flow, and twists. Let the players throw in their own two bits.

Now, this is extremely important. Writing is all about the characters- they are the meat and potatoes of any story. Without them, well, you've got nothing.
But since this is mainly about CREATING an RP, not playing one, I'll cut this short. Try to limit the amount of named, important NPCs to the bare minimum- otherwise you may confuse the players (never a good thing). This confusion can cause anything ranging from people using the wrong names all the way to people simply quitting (this doesn't happen all that often, thankfully).

A well defined and stunning setting can do wonders for your RP. Try to describe as much as possible in your posts- it allows for more creative thinking on the part of the players, and as a result, much more fun for both them and you.

Timing is everything. Watch the forum's RP board- you've got to make sure the time is right for your role play, otherwise you may just have wasted all of your hard work.

This one is short, but very, very important. Don't make an RP with a theme similar to one already running. Otherwise, the role plays can compete, and one (or both, sometimes) may die. At the very least, wait until the right time to post your creation.

If there are quite a few role plays running at the moment, wait until one dies or ends. If too many run at once, yours or somebody else's RP may end prematurely (in other words, die). Or, even worse, yours might just be ignored.
All in all, if less role plays are running at once, it increases the possible player base significantly.

If, say, science fiction role plays seem to be unsuccessful recently, don't post one right then! You can try it, but the odds are stacked against you, usually.

This is just an overview- I think there may already something for this.

The title says it all. Don't have an iron grip on the plot- be loose, let the players shape it. An RP is meant to be a group project- not a solo.

This is almost completely self-explanatory. If the rules are unclear, expect them to be broken or ignored.
Also, don't break your own rules. It makes you look bad.

Once the RP begins, if it's interesting, there's bound to be people who try to jump onto the bandwagon late in the game. Sometimes this is fine- other times, it isn't. Make sure it's "fine", otherwise you may inadvertently kill your own creation.


I hope these help.
If anyone thinks I missed anything or should elaborate on a certain point, please tell me.
« Last Edit: Feb 16 2010, 04:30 AM by Samui »