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Samui: cool Apr 18 2020, 01:04 PM

Kira Resari: I just found out that Tamamo no Mae is featured in Gegege no Kitaro. Here's her first appearance. =^,^= https://www.gogoanime1.com/watch/gegege-no-kitarou-2018/episode/episode-74 Apr 18 2020, 05:04 AM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Nanaca Crash with a score of 4949.85! Mar 14 2020, 05:03 PM

Kira Resari: Aaaand, that's it with my fox shrine thread! Crud, it fell jsut short of 100,000 "views" =^,~'= Dec 14 2019, 09:12 AM

Kira Resari: Yay! The new Pokémon feature new foxes! Soon I can build a team entirely composed from different fox Pokémon =^,^= https://serebii.net/pokedex-swsh/thievul/ Nov 17 2019, 01:11 AM

Kira Resari: Today features the climax of my Japanese spiritual fox experience with an epic ceremony at Toyokawa Inari Betsuin Nov 03 2019, 01:11 AM

Kira Resari: I also wrote/am still writing a blog about all that: http://kiraresari.blogspot.com/ Oct 10 2019, 07:10 AM

Kira Resari: If you check the dates of my Shrine Visits, you'll notice quite a number of gaps which are the days I worked on. =^,^= Oct 10 2019, 07:10 AM

Kira Resari: Not quite. I spent the last two years doing working holidays of New Zealand and Japan. =^,^= Oct 10 2019, 07:10 AM

Queen Chibi: I'm kind of curious how this works Oct 10 2019, 04:10 AM

Queen Chibi: ... so are you just wealthy enough to tour shrines or something? Oct 10 2019, 04:10 AM

Kira Resari: And today: Toyokawa, the Town of Vulpinity =^,^= Oct 08 2019, 01:10 AM

Kira Resari: Featuring today, the shrine with the highest concentrations of foxes in all of Japan: Reigitsunedsuka ~ The Spirit Fox Den =^,^= Oct 03 2019, 12:10 AM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of X-Training I with a score of 16.25! Sep 28 2019, 01:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of X-Training I with a score of 1.958! Sep 28 2019, 01:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Nanaca Crash with a score of 3618.16! Sep 28 2019, 01:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Knife Throw with a score of 1690! Sep 28 2019, 12:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Knife with a score of 32! Sep 24 2019, 09:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Ignite People on Fire with a score of 260841! Sep 24 2019, 09:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Burn Stuff and Die with a score of 10657! Sep 24 2019, 09:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Jewels with a score of 32985! Sep 22 2019, 11:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Kulkis with a score of 3835! Sep 18 2019, 07:09 PM

Kira Resari: Twitch is another of those things that completely passed me by. I suppose I'm just an old-fashioned fox =^,~'= Sep 17 2019, 01:09 AM

Samui: I'm slowly working on an update for the main page's Twitch listing to pull channels from that field. It's a bit of a transition to an eventual overhaul. Sep 15 2019, 11:09 PM

Samui: Oh yeah, I've added a profile field for twitch. Sep 15 2019, 11:09 PM

Glacia: Queen Chibi became the new champion of Kulkis with a score of 3265! Sep 11 2019, 05:09 AM

Glacia: Queen Chibi became the new champion of Jewels with a score of 24420! Sep 11 2019, 04:09 AM

Glacia: Queen Chibi became the new champion of Cubefield with a score of 461760! Sep 11 2019, 04:09 AM

Kira Resari: There will be at least one web browser that is still going to support it, because people will still want to play flash games, and whatever browser supports it will get the influx of those people =^,^= Sep 11 2019, 12:09 AM

Queen Chibi: some browsers won't let you play flash games unless you have a current versions Sep 10 2019, 05:09 PM

Author Topic: Planning Topic for 2009's big RP  (Read 17126 times)

Offline Queen Chibi

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Planning Topic for 2009's big RP
« on: Nov 05 2008, 01:01 PM »
Hello people. I am Saori, the Lady of the Fyrefoxies, but you know that already.
Every year I start a big RP, it's sort of a tradition. Last year the theme was Ghost in the Shell, this year the theme is a post apocalyptic world populated by kitsune and other spirits, go figure. This is what I end up with when my uh... "friend" plays Ecco the Dolphin: DotF too much.
Oh yeah, I plan these things 2 months in advance. (I usually do independant planning for a month or so before the 2 month period, hence the amount of info that follows) If you're going to do something elaborate and complex, you might as well do it right... things rarely go right, hopefully with your help things will go right in the new year. (note: delays will occur if I don't get a new PC by then)
This is a world where the humans have died out, in the year 2051, actually it's the same world as my other RP, Hunting Days. Just it's 2863 (812 on the current calender)... and it's 800 years into the future. Only the spirits survived the mysterious cataclysm that wiped out almost all traces of humans.
With the disappearance of humans, the world itself changed, citites vanished, the climate changed, sometimes radically, And yet with all this time, there remains no explanation of the truth.
All spirits live different and varied lifestyles these days, most band together amongst their own kind, others live with spirits of a smiliar backgroudn. (i.e. wolves and other canids) And many tell vastly different stories of how humans died out.
Kitsune of this world
Kitsune have become supersitious with the passing of humans and live in a clan based society. THey shun outsiders, especially if they are not kitsune. However scattered about there are villages of kitsune who are referred to as "outcasts": those who for whatever reason have been cast out of their clan. Not only are they resented by those in a clan, but they are infinately kinder than them too. Although outcasts are known to be suspicious of others. There are other kitsune who have never been part of a clan known as "clanless" kitsune. Kitsune are known to be excellent users of the sword.
Kitsune tell stories of human xenophobia, and how it led them to lead a war in an effort to destroy the kitsune and how all humans perished in the wear. Obviously a skewed story of the Kitsune War of 2045. And a small note, it wasn't even considered a war by humans, it was actually considered two seperate and unconnected military operations , only spirits referred to it as the Kitsune War because the two military commanders in question, Callie Hanover (Chika) and Edward Carson (Tadashi), were both kitsune.

Wolves, Dogs, and other Canids
This group, includes among other things, wolves dogs and jackals. They lead militant societies in which the hwole group follows an alpha, and not always a male, the alpha females tend to have more bite than the males. Great weapons of choice for these groups include out favorite remnants of human society: automatic weapons, military jeeps, and attack choppers.
They are very unfriendly towards those deemed untrustworthy, which generally includes everyone they either A. do not respect, B. do not fear, C. do not know, or D. view as enemies. However, if you can win their trust or instill some fear into them, it goes a long way to preventing your death, or if you are female, preventing your new life as a servant, as they like to force females into a life of slavery.
They tell stories of human hubris and how they destoryed themselves in a great war that decimated almost almost every trace of their society.
Cats and others of the Feline variety
Felines although being slightly superstitious, are generally a friendly and nomadic peoples. They wander the plains moving their villages following a strange annd indecipherable (almost random) lunar schedule. They tend to make wonderful crafts and more than a few seek their wonderful clothes and jewelry, though a few have taken to thievery to survive.
They tell stories about how humans lusted for power and were eventually destroyed by a "greater power" (of which they are rather vague on when they tell the story). They believe that this "greater power" should be respected lest they be struck down as well.
Demonic Birds and others of the Avian variety
The avians follow a single leader, the raven queen Tyleen. They tend to populate the heights of high mountains and generally keep to themselves. They are aggressive towards intruders, however they like do to barter, it is quite easy to barter your life for a possession of value that they take a fancy to, as they tend to like possessions that do not belong to them. Once you are considered welcome by them, you will never be considered an intruder again, unless you come with hostile intentions.
They all know the truth of humanity, that they just disappeared,  as Tyleen makes no secret of it, however they never share it with outsiders as it is considered stricty forbidden. On occasion, however, she has made exceptions.
Ferrets, Raccoons, and misc
Very rarely are these spirits considered aggressive. Although secretive, they welcome all those that find them. However, watch your belongings when around them as their society is one of thieves and pickpockets, hence the need for secrecy. Although, it should be noted that they band together to defend themselves should the need arise, so it is wise to avoid attacking large groups of them because your attack will inevitably be repelled. It is assumed by wolves that those of this society of thieves are capable of defending themselves better than they can, which almost questions the need for secrecy.
They care little about the passing of humans and tell whatever stories they pick up, which over the span of a few, or many years, can change darastically after being passed around from person to person enough times.

Squirrels, Independant Raccoons, and other mixed groups.
Ambitious, resourceful, and crafty, these spirits are protective of their territory, although they will on occasion abandon it on a whim. The odds are good that in any given group of them there will be at least one outcast or clanless kitsune amongst them. They are very welcoming of any wandering kitsune and will accept anyone in their groups as long as they pull their weight. They are known to be decent warriors and most among them will choose a single weapon to master, choosing only to fight with that weapon.

Like their rather parasitic thieving breatheren, they care little about the passing of humans and tell stories they pick up from others. Although they often speak of humans dying out in a war with a demon king, a story picked up from an unknown source.

More info on Kitsune clans

The info for this is not complete, it probably will never be complete, but I can probably provide quite a bit.

Tempest Clan
The Tempest Clan resides in the Shipana Floodplains, more commonly known as the "Field of Rain", due to the fact that it is always raining their. They practically worship their leader, a six-tail named Lucien, who according to those in the clan, "makes it rain". They are rarely sighted outside the Fields of Rain and are perhaps the most xenophobic and reclusive of the clans and never cast members out... they usually kill them instead as no outsider must ever know the secrets of the Tempest Clan...

Dust Clan
The dust clan has several settlements scattered across the world, but they always make their homes in the desert. They worship a sand goddess and believe that daily prayer keeps them safe from sandstorms. They believe that sandstorms are usually either trials to test their faith, or punishments from the goddess from some nameless act of sin committed by a clan member. Said member is usually chosen randomly and cast out of the clan afterwards.

Windrunner Clan
Members of the Windrunner Clan usually populate high places, but can be found in lower places, usually with high winds, however their general home is the Harydon Highlands (lower areas of the Rocky Mountains). Their leader is a nine-tail named Hana. They worship a wind god and believe that the blowing wind fills them with power. Hana doesn't buy into it and just uses the "wind god" as a tool to control the other members of the clan.

Sunrise Clan
The Sunrise CLan is more of a small nation than a clan, it is controlled by a monarchy and led by Queen Nozomi. They welcome outsiders in their domain but are usually less friendly towards them thean they are toward their fellows. Very rarely is a member cast out of the clan, as it only happens in extremely rare exceptions.
Moonlight Clan
Enigmatic and only sighted by night, the Moonlight Clan is a ninja-like society of assassins that worship a moon goddess. They have a high priestess named Reen who has been missing for some time, however the higher-ups of the clan believe that she will return to them. Their chief, Serenity, is kind, gentle, and oddly enough, harmless. Rather strange for as society like this one, however, Serenity's vice-chief, Mizuki, is secretly plotting to eliminate Serenity along with Reen, who he views as a traitor.

Circle Clan
The Circle Clan shuns most other races and clans, indeed the only other kitsune they welcome in their settlements are those of the Windrunner Clan. Led by the sisters, Ring and Orb, they follow a mysterious agenda in which they shadow the princess of the Sunrise Clan.

Shadowlight Clan
The followers of Haruhi and her mysterious scheme, the Shadowlight Clan is a rather large enigma to others. They are the dark army of Haruhi and is made up of kitsune who have cast away all loyalties to their former clanmates. It's rumored that they are based from somewhere out west.

Blossom Clan
A mysterious clan that has no real purpose. Wheras other clans seem to worship or serves one "higher power" or another, the Blossom Clan neither worships nor serves anything. Not only that, but it doesn't seem to serve any purpose whatsoever. It's currently led by a one-tail named Rai (note all leaders of the clan have had only one tail), but it's very apparent that he's a figurehead propped up onto a pedestal. So that leaves one question: If Rai's only a figurehead, who is really behind the Blossom Clan?

Other Organizations
Info on various other groups and organizations in the story.

Lei's Militant Group
The group that runs the Candessa Plains, they seem very friendly for a group of militant canids. Oddly enough, they don't raid settlements or take slaves very often. If you know the right questions to ask members, you may hear of some sort of feud between their group and Kagani's. It's almost as if they are preparing for war with their enemy...

Arty's Militiant Group.
Not encountered until way later in the RP. This group is strange. THey don't control the land, they fancy themselves rulers of the sea. They are led by Arty, who oddly is a feline. It seems forbidden by the group's code to speak of why they are led by a feline. Possessing boats and other water vehicles, they raid seaside settlements for slaves and supplies, among other things. Because they are in such proximity to the lands of the Sunrise Clan they seem to be in a constant state of conflict with them, who consider Arty's group to be a menace.

Spirits of Interest

Amongst those you meat on your journey, whatever your purpose is, there will be those who serve a greater purpose than others, these are those people. Again, the info here is probably incomplete...

Himi is a one-tail and the so-called "chosen one" destned to save everyone from the slowly dying world. However as the daughter of Queen Nozmi, that also makes her princess of the Sunrise Clan. She is rather reluctant to accept her fate. The members of the Sunrise clan desperately are searching for her without any luck...

Feather has been the leader of a small band of nomadic felines ever since her father Talon died. She has trouble leading and recently has beem advised by a mysterious, but sickly, nine-tail she stumbled upon in the Plains of Sharysa. She tends to deal with alot of personal trouble, usually pretaining to her mischievous daughter Wing. She is the descendant of Ayla, who in the time of humans, was the head of Saisechi Telecommunications Indcorporated... and also had this obscene obsession with birds, hence the names Feather and Wing. Five years ago, her little sister Wren was grabbed by a militiant group of wolves that raided their settlement and ever since she has searched for her. Others in the village tell her to give up, but Feather refuses to...

Wing is the daughter of Feather, you will come across her more often than you should during the course of your journey. She is travel-savvy and seems to know a great deal about the lands within a thousand or so. miles of the Candessa Plains. Usually, when encountered, she's in some sort of trouble due to her thieving nature, she being a feline that has taken to thievery to make a living..Helping her out, while likely very troublesome, is not without it's rewards. When encoutnered, she may impart her vast knowledge on the land or a nearby organization (she knows such details because she has been captured several times. An few interesting facts are that Wing wears a partially rusted amulet around her neck and that she seems to be immune to magic.)

Haruhi is a mysterious one-tail that trancends time. Her role in this is rather sketchy, who is she, and what does she want? Note: she will eventually come to be known by some as "the foe", and those of the Tempest Clan already refer to her as such. Attacking her isn't the best of ideas because she has come to be protected by a nameless nine-tail who looks so alike that they could be mother and daughter. Haruhi is immune to magic and wears a sparkling amulet.

A wolf doing a sociological study of the other races. The reaso nhe's doing such a thing is unknown. At current he's trying to do a study of the Tempest Clan. He occasionally returns to Feather's village every so often after his attempts to approach the Tempest Clan's settlements are thwarted by the constant rains.

A six-tailed outcast settling in the Village of Sharysa, however, questions have constantly arisen about where he came from as he bears the markings of a high ranking member of the Tempest Clan. He constantly ignores the rumors about him and makes no attempt to hide his clan markings. Oddly enough, he takes a rather strange interest in the stories of Princess Himi's disappearance.

She's an outcast kitsune with a terrible power: everything and everyone she comes in contact with dies. Flowers wilt and birds die at her touch, and others suffer horrible accidents. She is so feared by the outcast kitsune that even they cst her out of their society. She lives in a forest not to far from the village of Sharysa.

Ring & Orb
A pair of sisters, Ring being the elder sister by two years. Their origins are unknwon, but Ring has a fiery temper and is known to be able to kill people in a moment's notice. Orb, although younger, is the wiser of the two and is calmer. Ring disappeared about 187 years ago and Orb eventually moved on with time, however she suspects that there is something more behind her sister's disappearance. It should be noted that after Ring's disappearance, the Tempest Clan went into total paranoid isolation.

Those Alive in the Time of the Humans

There are some who were alive in the time of the humans, although very few of these individuals remain, but they are out there if you are willing to search hard enough, some of them even hide in plain sight. However, the only ones I count here are the ones who were there on that day...

Nozomi is the wise queen of a small kingdom of kitsune known as the Sunrise Clan. She was around when humans abruptly vanished, however she never shares her knowledge of it.

Lethe (Nozomi)
Lethe is Nozomi... of another time period. She had come to our time long ago to change the future and succeeded quite admirably... She also succeeded in becoming her own ancestor. She is known by the nickname "The Ancient One" and is generally accepted as being a master of all knowledge arcane and lost. However, because of her reclusive personality, few are able to find her. And usually people only go searching for her if they seek knowledge that has been long forgotten. The name she usually goes by comes from the river of forgetfulness that lays in the underworld.

Reen was once the human daughter of the raven queen Tyleen, but a chance encounter with the unthinkable gave her a chance to live her life as a kitsune. For the longest time the trauma of losing her family, as well as her humanity, left her mute. But with the passage of time she has become more lively, although she is rather weak and frail. She knows the truth about humans and has no problems sharing her view with those interested. However, she doesn't volunteer this information... you have to ask her for it. Although the high priestess of the Moonlight Clan, she vanished one day, and became elder of the village of Sharysa... until she vanished from there too, her wherabouts are currently unknown.

Known as the Elder Jackal, Lei is a jackal spirit who commands not only great respect due to his age, but also a militiant group of wolves in the Candessa Plains (formerly Nebraska). He is slightly friendly to those who seek him, but somehow usually knows if they seek him for his wisdom, or to kill him for whatever reason. (most seek him for the latter)

The queen of the ravens that all birds follow. A life of anger and hatred shaped her into the graceful and majestic raven she is today. Once upon a time she was the human mother of Reen, and went by the name Jamey Tyreen (JT) until her daughter died. Cursing the heavens with anger and vowing revenge, she underwent an ancient arcane ritual in which she offered up her life to a satanic raven goddess she worshipped. In exchange for her life she would be reborn as a raven and live on as one of them. However, part of the ritual involved killing yourself at the site where (and this is very important) you kill, or once killed a great many people. The ritual was a success and upon being reborn, she cast away her old name, combining her own with that of Reen's father, hence she became Tyleen. Tyleen makes no secret as of the fate of humans, how one day they disappeared. That they were not destroyed by war or act of god, they just simply vanished.

The alpha wolf of a major militant faction, his is considered to be the most powerful, dangerous, and well armed eof the militiant canid groups. And he himself is considered to be one of the most ruthless, cunning, and cruel of the alphas. However, Kagani's combat knowledge doesn't just come from simple know-how or wisdom, it comes from years of experience... many many years. Kagani has a secret he never shares with anyone, many years agoo he went by the name of Garen and was of great age. In the time of humans, the rumor among spirits was that he had roamed the world in the time of the walled city of Jericho, but nobody ever did know for certain...

The Nameless Nine-Tail
The guardian and possibly mother of Haruhi. With time, Haruhi will become unhappy and melancholy about her place in teh world, it'll take two to three hundred years or so, but it will happen eventually. Her nameless guardian knows this all too well, although Haruhi is ignorant to the fact that her dark scheme will ultimately bring her sadness. Our nameless friend sees preventing Haruhi from being sad as the only reason for her existance. If you search for the truth as to what happened to humans, your search will come to an end upon confronting her towards the end.

A mysterious raccoon spirit that likes to tell stories about the so called "Kitsune War" and tells of a war with a demon king. He seems to know more than he says he does about the death of the humans and occasionally in his stories of war with the demon king mentions something called the "Lavender Light".

Other Info

Other points, that while useful/interesting to know, are not the most important things in the story. Also, this section stores things that don't exactly belong anywhere else.

The Storm Bracelet
A treasure sought by Lucien. Supposedly in the 1700's when humans were still around, the storm bracelt was imbued with the power to control weather (wheras Lucien can only make it rain) by a kitsune named Arashi. What Lucien has failed to realize is that it practically hides right in front of him at the bottom of the River Lethe.

Haruhi's Amulet
The only amulet of it's kind, imbued with a crystallized fragment of the Lavender Light, it offers complete protection from magic. As long as she wears it she cannot be harmed at all by magic spells. Although it should be noted that Wing has the very same amulet, yet nobody seems to realize the significance of that. After all, there is only one...

Reen's Pinion
A hair charm given to Reen as a child by her mother while she was still human. It's a set of three feathers attached to a beaded charm and it sits right above her right ear. The feathers on the charm are as follows: raven, dove, phoenix. It's her most treasured possession, it should be noted that she is currently missing it, she will likely be very grateful if it is returned... although Tyleen would also be very interested to recieve it as a gift... (note: it should be found somewhere within the vicinity of the Plains of Sharysa)

Clanless Kitsune
Kitsune who aren't outcasts and who for whatever reason in the world, were never affiliated with a clan. They are more looked down upon and discriminated against than those who are outcasts for reasons that aren't quite clear Although, some kitsune secretly envy those who were never part of a clan.

Shell Gun
The Dragonfire .850 bolt action rifle, also called a "shell gun" was created by canids. This gun can and will rip a hole the size of a head in whatever it is fired at. There's a downside however, shell guns are known to be extremely heavy, usable by the strongest of the Canids, however, it's rumored that Kagani had a single superlight model custom made for his personal use.

The Tradition of Taking Human Form
An odd and currently pointless tradition that even after 800 years, nobody has gotten over. It stems from when spirits hid amongst the humans and had to pass themselves off as human. However, even after the humans vanished, this tradition well... didn't. There are likely many theories as to why, but nobody is quite sure. It's just a strange and uncontrollable impulse. However, spirits do take their animal form sometimes if it's useful (like, escaping through small spaces) or if it really strikes their fancy at that particular moment.

Many places will be visited over the course of the RP, here's a brief rundown on them.

Candessa Plains
The starting point of the RP. The Candessa Plains, are the terrritory of the Elder Jackal, Lei and his canid group. However, don't be afraid of him, as long as you don't give him a reason to be upset with you, you're perfectly fine travelling. However, Kagani's people can be sighted roving the area in their jeeps, pickups, and dune buggies looking for people to kill, though they generally stay in the area of the Plains of Sharysa. It is assumed they come from the Moraine Fields to the east, though nobody really knows for certain.

The River Lethe
Not the most accessible of landmarks, the river Lethe is a strange place and not somewhere you'd want to visit. Since not many people get to see the river, this fact is not well known, but taking a swim in or taking a drink from the river will cause you to forget everything. The river's source is somewhere beyond the Mountains of Hope, from there the river winds both to the east and west from it's source, travelling under the Mountains of Hope and the Harydon Highlands, and coming out in a remote area of the Plains of Sharysa. From there it winds through the lower areas Plains of Sharysa, travelling mostly underground before emerging in the Shipana Floodplains and heading to the ocean from there.

Moraine Fields
Very few venture into the Moraine Fields, and fewer return from them. Those that do return come back with one warning: "Don't enter the Moraine Fields". Many in the Candessa Plains and the Plains of Sharysa assume that the Moraine Fields is the headquarters of Kagani's group of militant wolves. However, nobody really knows for sure. Though those who do visit and return mention an abnormally large amount of dune buggies and other equipment formerly used by humans.

Mountains of Hope
To the west of the Candessa Plains and Harydon Highlands lie the Mountains of Hope. As the home of a group of avians and Tyleen the raven queen, the Mountaisn of hope are considerered more or less an off limits zone, despite the fact that there's large freight elevators on the sides of the mountains. Not even Tyleen knows who built them, all she knows is that it was there when she settled down on this mountain. She assumes it was built by either wolves, kitsune, or both, but doesn't know which one. (the mysterious reality is that they were built by raccoons who once used his mountain as a hideout)

Odds are that I'm not near done, but it can't hurt to help me out. And don't complain about how early it is to start planning please, planning helps things go right, too much never hurt... I think.

*shrugs* I have to go now, I'll probably write more later on... next week maybe.
« Last Edit: Dec 31 2008, 12:33 AM by Lady of the Fyrefoxies »

Offline Roland Voidheart

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Planning Topic for 2009's big RP
« Reply #1 on: Nov 05 2008, 07:24 PM »
Looks interesting... I will think about joining...
Returning from somewhere, to someplace safe
And for once as you watch the color of the sunset as it paints the walls
And you are not living in a memory; you are vital and alive, you are at peace; you are godlike
And you are safe, and that moment will last in a place in your mind
And there is no pain, and you forget what it feels like
And you can see, how it could be
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Planning Topic for 2009's big RP
« Reply #2 on: Nov 06 2008, 04:44 PM »
if enough people will join then i will too, this sounds like fun

Screw light and darkness, I want a piece of both worlds.

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Planning Topic for 2009's big RP
« Reply #3 on: Nov 07 2008, 09:21 AM »
I will speak about this plot with you on MSN once i return.
"The rules of Balence
Light cannot exsist without Dark.
Black and White
Day and night
Love and Hate
Life and Death.
These are the princeples of life"

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Planning Topic for 2009's big RP
« Reply #4 on: Nov 08 2008, 07:49 AM »
this sounds really good and i really wanna join in but i don;t think im gonna be able too.... so sorry....
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coming soon...

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Planning Topic for 2009's big RP
« Reply #5 on: Nov 10 2008, 04:18 PM »
Certainly has my interest, if I end up getting internet again I will definately join, but I may have a few questions in the mean time.

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Planning Topic for 2009's big RP
« Reply #6 on: Nov 13 2008, 08:35 PM »
I'd join.

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Planning Topic for 2009's big RP
« Reply #7 on: Dec 05 2008, 12:30 PM »
I'm just here to assure you guys that I haven't forgotten about this. It isn't even 2009 yet. I've never forgotten about my big RP since 2006, and that's a fact.

Most of you who know me don't know about it, so, now that you do, you shouldn't worry... 'Sides, it's not even January yet, so no cause for alarm yet.

On the PC issue (remember, the only thing that can really delay this thing; unless I get thrown out of the house), I'm going to dad's house this weekend, and even if I can't pry a new PC out of dad, there's one in the kitchen. It's not as fancy, but it should allow me to RP and use AIM and MSN messenger from home until I get a new one.

I'll update the info post with any new info I've been able to make soon. (sorry, alot has eben going on in my life lately, if the mention of getting thrown out hasn't been hint enough).

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Planning Topic for 2009's big RP
« Reply #8 on: Dec 30 2008, 11:16 PM »
Well, I gots my old PC fixed, yays.

This means the RP will continue as scheduled, it will begin Friday or Saturday Central Standard Time.

In the meantime, prepare a profile!

Here's your template.

Nickname/alias: (not everyone uses their real name around others)
Birthdate: (optional, I just use this by habit)  
Affiliation: (this is of particular importance if you are a kitsune or canid of some sort, you need to name what clan you're in (and can make up one if you choose, just post the info on it), and if you're a canid you'd want to state if you are affilated with a large militant group, ectera)
Weapons: (if you carry one at all)
Items: (everyone carries something, hmm?)
Quote: (do you have a particular quote?)
Talents: (talents are handy things to have)



Also: the info post up top has been updated quite a bit since it was first put up, check it out sometime.
« Last Edit: Dec 31 2008, 12:34 AM by Lady of the Fyrefoxies »

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Planning Topic for 2009's big RP
« Reply #9 on: Jan 02 2009, 01:53 AM »
can we join late? i'm not sure how long it will take for me to scrap together a character and run it through the usual gauntlet to make sure i'm not over doing it

Screw light and darkness, I want a piece of both worlds.

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Planning Topic for 2009's big RP
« Reply #10 on: Jan 03 2009, 12:04 AM »
sorry for the double post, do you want our rp character here as well as in our character threads? i'll post mine anyways
Name:  Sakina
Age:  19
Birthdate: 3/25
Species:  Felis catus(aka, a house cat)
Gender: female
Affiliation: belongs to the Burning Sand Tribe
Weapons: Two simple daggers. The blades are about a foot long each. The right one has the Arabic word for ‘love’ and the left one has the Arabic word for ‘peace’ carved into the blades. The weapons themselves have no special power or ability other than being well balanced and forged from good steel. More than likely Sakina stole them.
   A set of lock picks
   Wet stone
   Length of rope
   3 smoke bombs
   5 smoke bomb minis
   A pack of cigarettes (liberated from a house. They were hand rolled of course, by their previous owner)
   A small steel vial of ‘sleeping poison’
Appearance:  Sakina stands about 5”5’ tall. Her body fur is the same color as the desert sands, a faint tan color, while her belly is pure white. She has large, crystalline blue eyes. Her hair, like her body fur is sand color. She has cropped it close (wow a miracle! I never give my characters short hair), and for which ever god or goddess decided, it stuck out in natural spikes. It gave her the look of the resulting child of a bedhead and an echidna.
Clothes: Both Sakina’s choice, and taste in clothes is… well… rather limited. Her two articles of clothing are a tube top style bra, and a loin cloth. Both of which are made out of silk. Dyed into these primitive clothes are color full geometric patterns, similar to what the Native Americans from our world would do. One her left ear she wears 3 silver rings, and on her right ear she wears a simple earring constructed from two raven feathers and three bone beads.
-(to a wolf guard) “shhh! I’m hiding from a pack of wolves denser than a coconut!”
-“Wow… I managed to burn the water… guess the soup is going to taste bad tonight…”
   Breaking and entering
   Assassinating (even though its ‘icky’)
   Theft
   Scouting
   Lock picking
   Anything else that requires sneakiness and cunning
   Sucking at cooking
Personality: Upbeat, optimistic, sees everything as a potential game, can be childish, is extremely curious about everything.

Bio: Sakina was born and raised in the Burning Sand Tribe, a nomadic tribe of desert cats. She was trained at a young age to be a thief. Anybody traveling through the tribe territory would often find themselves leaving a lot lighter then when they arrived. One day Sakina got tired of waiting for her victims to come to her, and instead decided to go to her victims, and with that she left the tribe to travel on her own. Sakina has a natural born curiosity for the stuff in other people’s pockets; a greeting with her will include a hand shake and the loss of one’s pouches. She will take any job as long as it proves to be ‘fun’ and ‘interesting’. When on a mission she will oftentimes go completely nude to keep any kind of unwanted noise minimized.
A warning for those who encounter her: don’t let her cook, her cooking is toxic at best.

Screw light and darkness, I want a piece of both worlds.

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Planning Topic for 2009's big RP
« Reply #11 on: Jan 06 2009, 12:13 PM »
People, I know I'm late. I'd like to seriously apologize about that.

I'm not gonna lie this time, okays?

Back in December when I should have been working I was sorta playing Lunar Dragon Song... so I'm gonna be a little late, sorry.

And before you ask, no, I haven't even finished my character, I've actually hardly worked on it. Again, sorry. This happened last year with 2008's big RP too. (delayed 13 days)

And Sylver, don't keep asking me when I'll be ready, it just puts more pressure on me.

I also need to work on the first post... eee, I got alot of work waiting for me.

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Planning Topic for 2009's big RP
« Reply #12 on: Jan 16 2009, 04:26 PM »
Do not rush it, Take your time. Rather have a decent Rp plot and starting post rather then an uninteresting rushed one. So regardless of people asking if your ready. Take your time. and Start when YOUR ready, ignore all the rushers.
"The rules of Balence
Light cannot exsist without Dark.
Black and White
Day and night
Love and Hate
Life and Death.
These are the princeples of life"

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Planning Topic for 2009's big RP
« Reply #13 on: Jan 29 2009, 09:18 PM »
Thank you for the kind words Sirus, I am suffering from a nasty case of writer's block and am used to people complaining about my delays, not understanding them.

While I could probably finish the not-so-detailed miscellanous details, I am having some serious trouble with my profile and with the opening post.

My main point is that I am putting this on hold until I can figure out the wording I am looking for. (I tend to be pretty picky about wording when it comes to writing or roleplaying)

Therefore, while this is on hold, I will be making something to distract... err... entertain, you.

The reason that this side project is not exactly affected by my writer's block is that I didn't just decide to do it on a whim one November day after watching a "friend" play Ecco: DotF one day, I've been toying the idea of doing this for a few years.

Sorry about the majorly extended delay, thanks for understanding.

(Btw, the Lunar thing was a lie, sorry. One of the real problems that made/is making this RP late is uh... expert difficulty minesweeper.)

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Planning Topic for 2009's big RP
« Reply #14 on: Mar 06 2009, 09:01 PM »
Attention everyone:

Work on this RP, which henceforth shall be called On Dreamcatcher's Edge (unless a better title is suggested), has begun once again.

Having regained some inspiration, I should have the details finished and the RP up by the end of March.

Thank you all for your patience.