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Samui: cool Apr 18 2020, 01:04 PM

Kira Resari: I just found out that Tamamo no Mae is featured in Gegege no Kitaro. Here's her first appearance. =^,^= https://www.gogoanime1.com/watch/gegege-no-kitarou-2018/episode/episode-74 Apr 18 2020, 05:04 AM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Nanaca Crash with a score of 4949.85! Mar 14 2020, 05:03 PM

Kira Resari: Aaaand, that's it with my fox shrine thread! Crud, it fell jsut short of 100,000 "views" =^,~'= Dec 14 2019, 09:12 AM

Kira Resari: Yay! The new Pokémon feature new foxes! Soon I can build a team entirely composed from different fox Pokémon =^,^= https://serebii.net/pokedex-swsh/thievul/ Nov 17 2019, 01:11 AM

Kira Resari: Today features the climax of my Japanese spiritual fox experience with an epic ceremony at Toyokawa Inari Betsuin Nov 03 2019, 01:11 AM

Kira Resari: I also wrote/am still writing a blog about all that: http://kiraresari.blogspot.com/ Oct 10 2019, 07:10 AM

Kira Resari: If you check the dates of my Shrine Visits, you'll notice quite a number of gaps which are the days I worked on. =^,^= Oct 10 2019, 07:10 AM

Kira Resari: Not quite. I spent the last two years doing working holidays of New Zealand and Japan. =^,^= Oct 10 2019, 07:10 AM

Queen Chibi: I'm kind of curious how this works Oct 10 2019, 04:10 AM

Queen Chibi: ... so are you just wealthy enough to tour shrines or something? Oct 10 2019, 04:10 AM

Kira Resari: And today: Toyokawa, the Town of Vulpinity =^,^= Oct 08 2019, 01:10 AM

Kira Resari: Featuring today, the shrine with the highest concentrations of foxes in all of Japan: Reigitsunedsuka ~ The Spirit Fox Den =^,^= Oct 03 2019, 12:10 AM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of X-Training I with a score of 16.25! Sep 28 2019, 01:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of X-Training I with a score of 1.958! Sep 28 2019, 01:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Nanaca Crash with a score of 3618.16! Sep 28 2019, 01:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Knife Throw with a score of 1690! Sep 28 2019, 12:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Knife with a score of 32! Sep 24 2019, 09:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Ignite People on Fire with a score of 260841! Sep 24 2019, 09:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Burn Stuff and Die with a score of 10657! Sep 24 2019, 09:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Jewels with a score of 32985! Sep 22 2019, 11:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Kulkis with a score of 3835! Sep 18 2019, 07:09 PM

Kira Resari: Twitch is another of those things that completely passed me by. I suppose I'm just an old-fashioned fox =^,~'= Sep 17 2019, 01:09 AM

Samui: I'm slowly working on an update for the main page's Twitch listing to pull channels from that field. It's a bit of a transition to an eventual overhaul. Sep 15 2019, 11:09 PM

Samui: Oh yeah, I've added a profile field for twitch. Sep 15 2019, 11:09 PM

Glacia: Queen Chibi became the new champion of Kulkis with a score of 3265! Sep 11 2019, 05:09 AM

Glacia: Queen Chibi became the new champion of Jewels with a score of 24420! Sep 11 2019, 04:09 AM

Glacia: Queen Chibi became the new champion of Cubefield with a score of 461760! Sep 11 2019, 04:09 AM

Kira Resari: There will be at least one web browser that is still going to support it, because people will still want to play flash games, and whatever browser supports it will get the influx of those people =^,^= Sep 11 2019, 12:09 AM

Queen Chibi: some browsers won't let you play flash games unless you have a current versions Sep 10 2019, 05:09 PM

Author Topic: Do not read.  (Read 5098 times)


Do not read.
« on: Aug 07 2005, 11:30 PM »
This story starts out easy and gets bad quick. Do not read unless you got the time and can stand me telling the story of my life. I am 14 and currently live in a town with a population of 96, which will be told about later.

                                         Day one of my life.
     My first images through the blackness of being  one and two was a car, my mom frantically swiping a broom at a bat, a turtle, and snow.  I remember the very first day I became three, I woke slowly, the light coming in perfectly to make the crystals in the window shine, I smiled and stood up, thinking about how short I am. I realize I am three years old. I walk out of the small though comfortable room and into the living room. The first people I see are my grandmother vacuuming, my aunt Brenda playing  super Nintendo, and a cat trying to kill my sock, with my foot still inside.

    Things went by quickly, as my memory has faded. I remember feeding a large yellow Labrador for awhile, then we took it in off the streets to keep it as a pet. I called him 'Sunny' and loved him so. He was my first pet. I lived in a tiny town called Washington in California at this time, my house shared with two other people besides my mom. My grandma and aunt Brenda.  There were many dogs and many more cats, each one with its own personality. I spent a lot of time with those critters inside and out, chasing, playing, running, hiding. Life was good and I was 3.  

    My first encounter with death was when I was petting a kitty that was sleeping. After awhile it didn’t wake up so my friend and I tried to wake it. He said to me “I think its dead.” We looked closely and it wasn’t breathing.

     My Dad was seldom around within the year and a half  I lived in Washington. When he was there we always had a good time. Sometimes my half brother Ryan would come down with him and we would play for hours, mostly getting into trouble.  I see now a picture on my desk of my cousin kayla and me sitting high up on the branches of a tree, eating uncooked top-Ramon.  My cousin Trevor and his sister  Rachel would come down sometimes too, I got along with  Trevor well though Rachel was always a stinker from day one.

                          My first move.
            I remember the first move we made, straight out of Washington. I waved goodby to all the people I had known my entire life of a year and a half Which seemed like so much more.  We drove up to the nearby grass valley and up to a large red house. My first thoughts that I can remember upon seeing it were: "Nice garden" then "I know which room is mine!"   I strode up to the house and looked around it. Behind it and a ways back was a large collection of buildings, down far enough for me to walk was the park. The red house was to be shared with some number of people. I remember little of them only that I avoided them at all costs. My mom’s sister Terry moved in a ways down with her daughters Shenna and Kayla. I remember jumping on a bed and knocking kayla’s tooth out, only to find it was already loose so I wasn’t in trouble after all. I also remember of this place, the time I watered the bushes. Brenda was there and said, and I quote: “You watered the leaves instead of the roots, now they are all going to die because of you.” I walked inside and hid crying because I thought I killed my moms favorite plants which she transplanted from Washington.  

    A few days later I had forgotten the plant-killer I had become and was playing with kayla, who told me to light a leaf on fire with the lighter she gave me. I refused and walked away. She got mad at me and thought I was a ‘pussy’. All of that was forgotten when we were at her house and went next door to party for awhile at somones birthday party. We heard a loud alarm sound and everyone rushed out to find that Terry’s house was filled with smoke. She ran in to turn off the oven she left on wile I stood and watched the smoke dance into the night and vanish.

    Things after that are blurry until I found my mother and I living with her boyfriend Howie. I was 5 by now, life was still good. He had a lot of quads and would regularly take us to caves or remote places in Washington to explore. It was fun, to say the least. Eventually we moved again, to were I have forgotten, though we left Sunny behind... I can only pray that the farmers took good care of him.  I started having troubles sleeping in my own bed at night, alone in my room. I would wake up eyes-wide from nightmares which I cannot recall. I seldom went to sleep and actually slept the entire night alone.

                     My first memories of daycare is more like the memories of torture. I went to some odd daycare with really cruel rules. If I did one thing wrong (Which let me tell you, is REALLY hard to not do when your five) I would be sent to a small, dark room to lay down and sleep for the next two hours. Patience was not an option, when she didn’t peek in I would be messing with toys or, as I preferred, I would be lost in my mind. My thoughts rested on how a puzzle would fit together in my mind. Eventually I left there.

                              Life is a blur until I ended up in grass valley, my mother alone again and we are in a duplex with a little old hell-raising lady next door. Our yard was the size of a football field, and this is were I spent four years of my life, some of the best memories I will ever have come from it. The yard had overgrown grass that reached up above my head at most places and a horse stall that was semi corroded. There was also a nice small stream right down from our house that was private. The first thing I found was a very old, though very large tree fort. I loved that tree fort so much, made it better in every way. It eluded me that the house being built up from us would eventually be my safe-haven’s demise. I met a good friend there too. The river there will always hold my love by a string. Over the first year it was the most beautiful place you could imagine, full of fish and crawdads. Oh how I loved to go reaaaaly far up it then run back once I thought my mom got worried, I hated seeing her sad or worried. She had a genetic induced hormone problem that made her depressed. It was fixed only three years later. Things were rough there, we had little food and my mom would always feel really bad at Christmas when there wouldn’t be many presents under the tree. I never cared much, what’s a superman toy when you have all these outdoors?  The river was flooded with chemicals and everything died that was in the water. The chemicals vanished down stream though I remember they were kinda green-ish...

     I swam on the river, I played on it, I built forts on it, I explored it, I evan raised a turtle and found a duckling on it. I hardly ever got hurt due to my quick speed in the outdoors.                      
   Eventually I won my mother over and we were able to get a cat. How happy I was.
     we went to the pound to get a cat. The lady said I would take forever to pick out a cat since there were literally hundreds. I walked through all the cages with ought stopping, turned the corner and pointed at the only orange/white cat of the bunch then said “He’s my tiger.” The lady and my mom seemed stunned I was so quick about it. I walked out with my Tiger, my own fluffy ball of fuzz. I took good care of him too. He was an indoor/outdoor cat. He was an insomniac and always messed with my mom in her sleep. He would bite her toe then run, mess with her hair then dive aside, and the best part was when she made her nightly 2:00 am run to the bathroom. I would wake to hear a cat hissing then turn to see Tiger latched onto my moms slipper. She would trudge over to the bathroom and walk inside with a cat being drug along. I was a lazy kid most of my days.

                                   The first disaster.

             Things went by quick in my world, days of resting came into months of play. At one point Shenna had a baby. She came to live with us because she had no were else to go. Her child grew fast into a toddler. I helped a lot, showed him how to play with legos, always cared for him when no one was looking. Shenna secretly told people my mom was a vicious person, when in truth my mother is the most caring and loving person I have ever known. Shenna, you see, is an attention craver. She had the baby just to get attention for it. Good or bad, weather its bashing her own family members who love her most or telling the truth, if it got her attention she did it. My mother would try and make suggestions to her, when she did Shenna would simply jerk on her baby’s arm to make my mom go away. If my mother tried anything Shenna would hurt her baby until she went away, sad. One day came were he called me ‘Dada!’ and Shenna gave me the most god-awful look I had ever seen, like I taught him it.  His father was never around.

    My tree fort was destroyed the moment the people moved in next door, leaving me with but a rope and memories. I built forts all up and down that calm street. I tried to sneak up on deer or watched my cat fling out of the high grass and scare them to death before coming in smirking in a cat way. Shenna eventually left, but not until after stringing a web of lies that really hurt my mother to a very bad degree, yet, my mother still loved her.

     I built my own tree fort. Sometime eventually I was admiring it at around 20 feet up and reached up for a stable branch to hang on. I must have grabbed the wrong one since it snapped and I was sent hurdling backwards. I instantly was upside-down heading face first towards a pile of sharp jagged rocks, blackberry bushes, and a river right beside it. Everything was in slow motion, I could hear my mother screaming though I didn’t make a peep. Her boyfriend came running too late. I saw a rock getting closer and closer, its jagged side seeming to point right at me. I felt something rip my leg only to find it somehow snagged. I put my other leg up and hung there, looking at the rock that would have no doubt killed me. I came away with a sore leg and nothing more.

    One time I walked into my empty room were a mattress was propped up against a wall. I leaned down to look behind it and what I saw traumatized me. I saw myself on the other side looking back at me, only it wasn’t a mirror, and my face was covered in blood. I was cut on the forehead and my eyes had no life in them. As I moved back to run for my life it moved with me. I froze with fear for only a moment. When I eventually looked away from the dead me I stood up and ran out, looking back I never saw it again. Its also the reason I don’t like being alone, I fear whatever it was to this day for it was as real as I myself am. My mind couldn’t pull that off.

          We went on a two day trip one time, leaving my tiger behind. When we came back I found his bones and his fur, though mixed with the fur of a cougar. The one that had been attacking the chickens of everyone up and down the street. I know he didn’t die with ought taking a chunk out of that cougar.

               Miss Jenkins.-the Sargent from hell, my new teacher.

           My new teacher Miss Jenkins was later found out to be a dishonorably discharged army instructor who had a rage problem. For the sake of time I will list the worst she did. For reasons I can not remember she threw many pencils at me, all missing and scattering behind me as I sat on the my chair.  2nd grade wasn’t easy. I was told not to help my friends pick up these huge jumbo-large wooden blocks that are impossible to lift, though I didn’t hear her so went to help. She grabbed me by the back of my neck, cutting off the air to my lungs and dragged me back to my desk, were I sat gasping for air. For the next day I would have a large red mark on my neck. Upon my mom inquiring she said “He did it to himself.” ... No comment. Upon me being unable to find my crayons in my dirty desk she tipped it over in my lap and sent everything falling on the ground, then instructed everyone to watch as I picked it up. She was large and muscly and all around evil. She would make us stand on a line if we got bad grades or were bad in any way, for the entire recess, to watch the other kids play wile we were left out. The principal never did anything evan though many, many parents complained. Home school saved my life for the remainder of that year.

      I always did have very good dreams, or very bad dreams. I remember one time waking up after a weird dream and seeing the fan moving. For some reason it made my heart stop and I felt so scared of the moving object I could barely breathe.    

                                     Welcome to school, enjoy your torment.

        School came suddenly, work piled upon me in stacks. I got semi good grades, though grades were never my problem. It was the people around me. I was an easy target for bullying since I didn’t know how to handle it at all. I eventually became a bully myself just to be in league with my tormenters. My teacher mister ‘T’ despised me for my insolence and anti-socialism. I had a quick tongue and really, really used it. I remember I would try and be picked for the computer room after lunch the most. I think I was in... 3rd grade.  I loved computers. When the tests came and the teachers told me not to go past a certain point since I wouldn’t understand it, I laughed and kept going. At 3rd grade I could use the computer like most 6'th graders did. Same went for reading comprehension, I could read at 6th grade level in third grade.
     Some people showed up at the school and tested each kid in odd things like rubiks cubes solving and such. I scored well above my grade. When the end-of-the year tests came I overheard the teachers idly talking about who was going to fail most. I was listed. In the end I got the last laugh. They thought I didn’t listen to them at all when they talked about math or reading. I just spaced out and remembered there words later. My score overall for that  test was 95% correct.

    My friend was a psychotic midget named Brent who’s parents adopted him and always wondered why he was so violent. They never punished him. He would torture the horse and they would buy him a trampoline. He would kill the good people in his games and watch the bad kill innocent people then laugh. We eventually got in a fight and he won, being the one with the stick and all. One night before the fight I was at his house staying the night. I woke up and yawned and since he went to bed with his parents I wandered for a moment, getting some water. I walked over to the room he was in and looked inside, in truth I was scared of the dark. I waited a moment then suddenly something started moving, it was small and shaped like brent only.. It wasn’t him. It moved in a weird jerking motion that seemed like it was dying. I watched it move at me for only a moment, thinking it was brent playing a joke, then noticed he was sleeping in the bed, I could see his eyes closed and everything. I looked back to the creature that was almost out of the darkness and ran, turned around ran under the covers of my bed and clenched my eyes closed for the rest of the night.

            My next memory is of Aikido classes. The teacher and I would always spar with our fake swords, I would sometimes win, no, most of the time. She always was proud of my sword fighting skills. I was with her for sometime around a year. She was always the best Sensai out there. We couldn’t afford classes at one point so I said my goodbys and left. My best memory of that place was the time no one else showed up but me and her. We had a sword fight that seemed to go on forever. I ended up the victor and we laughed, relaxing the rest of the day sitting beside the gigantic air conditioner.


         Next was school of the arts. I almost instantly had a girlfriend though it was mostly because she asked me and I nodded on the fifth day of school.  I was never too good at art though I liked what I did. I think I was around 9 at this point. At one point I somehow lost my food money and got mad. I kicked a hole in the wall and quickly hid it behind a chair. I went outside and did my favorite thing in gym class-played bamboo hide and seek. That school had one of the largest bamboo forests I had ever seen. I could hide so well they would have to dig through the bamboo to find me hidden deep within. Lovely, lovely times. Gym was always my favorite class.

    Eventually my puppy love girlfriend left me because I was too busy playing with the boys to hang with her as much as she wanted. I didn’t mind. I got mad at a smaller kid because he ruined my lunch by ‘accidently’ pushing it off the table. I yelled at him. Later that day his older sister and her two grunts beat me up beside a tree. Someone hit my spine and another tried to kick my crotch, I fought back good enough to show I wasn’t easy prey. I ended up diving off the side of the large hill and rolling to the bottom to get to my mom when she pulled up in the car, oblivious to it. My spine hurt a lot for awhile.

      My cousin Trevor and I played all the time, making forts and basically being like brothers. We would play games and have fun and never ran out of things to do. We would always be wrestling, though he being a year older would always win. The first time I won he said he was just letting me win, but I know the truth ;) We were inseparable, never apart unless forced. Ofcoarce, all good things come to an end. I remember the last time I saw him. We talked alittle, saying we would miss each other. He left for five years, five whole years. He had moved to some desolate icy place far away.

         It was time for me to migrate too. Only a year or so later my mom contacted an old friend in south lake Tahoe and we moved up with her. My cousin Kayla was up there too. I went to see her and, once we were alone, she started smoking. Being only one year older then me and me being 9 I didn’t understand. I asked her why she was doing that and she said because she wanted to. Her mother was always a druggy and couldn’t take care of her, or her other child Shanna. Kayla many times has come close to death from drinking or drug overdose. She has been in juvenile hall many times. She hung out with the worst people too. At one point we found her sitting in a ditch freezing her ass off half dead and needing a stomach pump.  I hated seeing Kayla killing herself so seldom saw her.                                                            

                School came along, the perfect school for me. I was only there three times a week. There was a bully there ofcoarce. I ended up not fitting in, though none of it mattered since I eventually found my girlfriend there. Somehow I was around 12 and in like... 6'th grade.  We got along perfect, always laughing and hanging out. We understood each other unlike others could. People said we couldn’t understand love at that age, but we did. To this day we keep contact with each other over the phone and email, hoping for another chance to see each other again soon. We would hop rocks together, play in the snow, we were the best of best friends and b/f & g/f at the same time. Life was easy. The bully’s didn’t seem to matter at all. The next year JJ vanished (That’s her nick name.) Out of the school and went on home study. Suddenly there were two bullies who never got out of my face. I put up with them all year. On the last day of school one of them went too far and somehow got my wallet, laughing about how ‘ugly’ he thought JJ was. In truth she is beautiful, he just couldn’t see it since his idea of good looking doesn’t involve glasses or short hair. I walked up behind him and snagged him around the shoulders/neck. After awhile of tumbling around he got me by the hair and pulled. In the end I was defeated though we were both wounded equally. I walked away relieved of a year of torture that I finally repaid.

    Sometime during summer I had the three worst dreams of my life in a row. It was odd how they worked. It felt like everything was getting scarier and I was getting worse. I couldn’t wake up or stop the anger being thrashed at me or the emotions I had being tormented. I woke up in such a panic that I found my entire body literally shaking so hard I could barely stand.  went into the bathroom and curled up in the fetal position, scared out of my mind. I kept shaking less and less over the next hour until it vanished, unless I moved. I was -that- rattled.  It must have been some type of mini seizure. The next night it was the same exact thing. Only worst happened,  my mother noticed and freaked out. I felt scared at the way she was talking about how it looked like  I was having a seizure. She said I might have to go to the hospital if it didn’t stop. I just hid away from her and clogged my mind with the ‘happy place’ until it went away. She thought I had been faking it... The next night the same thing, only this time when I woke up I ran into the living room and turned on the tv, then curled up on the couch. I shook for the next hour and a half, so violently at first I think I got whiplash from it. I didn’t do this for attention or at my own will at all. Forever these odd dreams with such powerful and driving emotions, which seem like a spell to me, will continue to be on my mind. I only hope they never come back.
    The next day I walked out onto the thin ice of the frozen lake, all the way to the end. Standing over 5 feet of freezing cold water with barely an inch of ice below me I stared upwards, thinking. I always did get lost in my easily, the place of freedom I rarely venture into these days for some reason. I turned and looked at all the ice, then with ought thinking just... ran. I ran over the ice that cracked and broke under my feet, barely keeping ahead of certain doom of freezing water, or at least a cold day. As I ended the running I walked back home, as I had a billion times before thinking of why I exist and what I had done wrong that made some higher power (like god or something) dislike me so much that I could have such dreams.

   My perfect school vanished and we had to move due to budget cuts and my mom’s physical therapy (massage) work being no more due to her overworked hands becoming pained every time she did massage. We went to Oregon following my moms friend once again. But not until after a very, very scary moment.

    I was at Kayla’s and her friend showed up. I came out of the bathroom with Kayla pointing a real gun at me, a real, loaded gun. I could almost see the glint of the bullet down the barrel. She chuckled and said “I won’t fire it.” She smiled a god awful smile at me that made me think she was really going to shoot me. Her friend was laughing. I ran out of there and told my mom, who threw it into the lake and drove us away from the whole disaster.       

     A short intermission to point out my mothers life. My mother was born the eldest of her 4 siblings. Two sisters and two brothers. She had to care for them for her mother was mentally incapable of taking care of them, and her father was literally a maniac. He would hurt them, beat them, yell at them, hurt her mother, make them feel sorry for him, cut his own wrists to no avail, constantly depressed and drunk. He took my mother out of school to help care for her siblings. Her life would take many more pages then I could ever write to fully explain, though I can say her life is the life of someone who survived the very worst, and came out the very best. Out of all of her siblings she is the most mentally balanced and everyone loves her. At this point in time she is 43 and looks 30. She is a true ro-model and someone I will always respect and love.    

    Upon ending up in Oregon I went to the highschool. The first day I was there someone spit in my face for literally no reason. I was surrounded by people who looked like shit. Most of them were bullies, forgive the term “red necks.” They all picked on me for being new. Evan though I tried to be nice, since I was from Cali I was already hated. People around there were scary, to say the least. At school a girl chased me down because she thought I flipped her off, which I didn’t. I got D’s in most my classes due to the huge amount of work they put on me. Evan the smartest kid I have -EVER- met got D’s. It was a very, very bad place. I was tortured day by day. I had to get myself up in the morning because my mother went to work early. I fed myself and never skipped a day. I never complained ether because it would only make my mom feel bad that we moved up there. I took the beatings, both mental and physical. I took detention as it came, ate the gross food, and played in gym, basically being beaten to heck and back. The thing that got me through was the river nearby, which was easily 10 times the one at my old house. Next to an un-owned clearing.  Once during football some kid rammed my head down so hard that I have had neck problems ever since.

The few local kids I was friends with helped me build an underground tunnel and we had some good fun. My mom eventually found out after I came home with a large cut on my nose and a note from the teachers that she had to go talk to them. If there’s ne thing you don’t want my mom to know, its that her son is being mis-treated. She blew up on the teachers, telling them about how I would never fight anyone with ought it being in self defense. Which is true. How I always got good grades before, how she noticed I was -always- doing homework, how I was sleeping a lot more. Beforehand I told her everything since she was going to hear it from one view point or another. I pictured her strangling the teachers, and she came close to it. She said never to not tell her what is going on again. I had my computer for 2-3 years already by this point in time. I was 13 and ½.

    I was once again on home study, doing well at it too. Life went by slow then, lazy nights and playful days. Everything was going pretty well, life seemed to have turned up. I was happy and I didn’t think anything would go wrong. It couldn’t, right? Now I was happy. It would stay that way, or so I thought.  

                     My mom got laid off work like hundreds of other people and we were forced to move. Though guess what? A genetic disease that could possibly be in me was found in Grandma. Her kidney would have exploded, though she had evolved alittle and her kidney simply stretched past its limit and stopped working instead of killing her. My grandma (by this time) Had become the parent/guardian of Kayla, who was about to be put in a foster home.  Grandma had spoiled Brenda to death, who by now was running her own pot business and growing it illegally. She has rotten teeth, no brain at all, and survives by leeching off others.
And now Kayla was getting everything she ever wanted. She was being spoiled to death and was allowed to do whatever she wanted, evan stay up all night with a bunch of drunks. She had by now become a slut and no doubt has a few std’s.  

    We arrived to a house overrun by beer cans, dirt, and hair, to the point of being a shocker to the eyes. Kayla was off doing something else (like drinking or drugging) wile we unloaded and moved into the house with grandma. There were three cats and one dog at the house. I cannot describe how disgusting it was. As it turns out my grandma had been driving herself from here to Dialysis and back, which is a n hour and a half trip there and back, plus Dialysis takes around 4 hours and basically drains you of your energy. She had been fainting in the car and almost crashing. Mean-wile Kayla had been basically forcing grandma to take her into town to get more stuff which she would never use and Grandma did it for her. Grandma had saved a lot of money from some family member who died and left her a lot of it.   

    So here is Washington, population 96. If what I am about to say was heard, I would be killed, simple as that. This place is full of drunks, child molesters, outcasts, people who are running from the law, druggies, and tourists. Its that simple. The police almost never come down here, saw one a few months back due to his car breaking down. 3-5 people die here each year, and people around here think im weird for not going outside, not ‘socializing’ with the people.

             School was easy. I showed up and there was only two kids there. One quietly whispered “Fresh meat” the other shyly waved. I got along very well until ‘Ryan” showed up, Mr. ‘Im better then you in every way and know everything in the universe.’ I will not go into the things that happened between us for the sake of time. Though his older cousin is a caveman who beats people up for fun, so lets just say we didn’t get along well. Though during a wrestling spree I bested him evan though he’ 15, has more muscles then hulk, and has the brain of a mouse. I got him, the only kid who is able to wrestle him down. I guess he felt threatened that is macho-ness was at stake since I beat him so he slammed me down on my back and my tail-bone has been a problem ever since.

    So anyway, my mother tries to help out alittle, driving grandma to Dialysis and basically sacrificing her own time and energy to help her. Kayla is constantly rude. Such as, I like to go on my comp at night. She says she needs sleep at 11:00 then the next night she comes in at 2:00 am and slams the door closed so loud it wakes me up. When I said no to lending her my bike she made a scene out of it and half the town was telling me I should have lent her the bike, which she would have damaged or destroyed due to were she was going with it. She also hacked onto my computer at one point.  If my mother ever told her not to do anything, evan if its to be alittle quieter since grandma is sleeping, she yelled “F*CK YOU!” then stormed out slamming the door. Eventually my mother and kayla were mortal enemies, though my mother was always just trying to be her friend. She took her with us on trips and bought her stuff, only to have her yell and scream the first time she mentioned the trash needed to be taken out. Kayla is the mortal spawn of Satan and will eventually die a horrible death. If she doesn’t kill herself then her friends will.

 One day she was being drove back to town with a bunch of drunks driving, only a day after my mom warned her that she might end up hurt if she continued doing things the way she does. The car hit a curb too fast and flipped, sending one person fling out the window and down the side of a bank, into a patch of black berries. The driver was the only one standing after it all. I ran there as fast as I could to find that Kayla wasn’t hurt at all, though guess why? Someone named Turtle John flung himself on top of her and protected her with his own body, receiving spinal damage and getting many cuts around his back. Her friend britney almost died. Think this would have sunk in alittle? Nope, she kept on taking what she wanted, evan if it hurt her own family.

     I stood by and watched as she slowly whittled away at all that made my mom happy, breaking it into tiny pieces. She evan hurt Grandma, the person who gave her everything she ever wanted. She quit school too. My mother came to own Grandma’s house because she had good credit and it would have been taken away from grandma soon.  Brenda showed up, wanting money from grandma to go on a vacation, which she gave with ought a second thought. Wile she never evan gave any money to my mother, who had kept her alive and helped her the entire time, asking for nothing. Skipping tons of fights, tears, and the parting of my grandma, who is still alive on this day, we came into control of the house which I am now writing this from. Kayla is now living in Washington too, only she goes from house to house. She isn’t going to school, simply wasting her life. She parties all night and does drugs, has wasted her brain with pot, her only friends are the ones like her, and she controls them too. What  happened to her? What happened to the     Kayla I ate top Ramon in a tree with? The one who’s tooth I knocked out and she just smiled? What happened to the innocent girl who loved life?

      Also, my cousin Trevor came back. He has become a pothead too, only for the right reason. His mother is so poor she takes money from him, yells at him, constantly messes with his mind by pointing out what others do that he doesn’t. She ruined him. He is covered in pimples since he drinks too much sodas, has become shy... What happened to the Trevor who constantly wanted to wrestle, who loved to be outdoors and hated the thought of drugs? Rachel is in college now. Kathy had another son who is doing pretty well, better then Shanna’s who is going to grow up to be just as messed up. If not worse, since Shanna is now having -ANOTHER- baby. She can’t evan feed the first. My mothers brother David has mental instability and thinks everyone is out to get him. Shane, her other brother, is doing good with his girlfriend. Kathy is currently poor and looking for work were there is none, trying to move in with us, which won’t happen. Terry, after years of drugs, im happy to report, is finally starting to do better. Grandma, Alas, I have no clue. Although I do believe Brenda is mistreating her since she has no more money to give.

           The computer has saved me more times then I can count, from people to give me advice to a way to get rid of frustration. People think the computers bad for you, if I didn’t have my computer and the people on it, I might have ran away by now... or worse.

          I just went to highschool orientation, met some interesting people and realized I will once again become an outcast in another school, only this school has 4500 students in it. My mother is doing well and we are ether going to sell this house, which we have worked to the bone to make livable, or rent it out. I stay inside most of the time. My last test scores were 88 % overall. I haven’t dreamed in the last two years besides the occasional nightmare. I went on a reading spree though ran out of books to read. I spent my last three dollars on some food for today, then luckily found a ten I was keeping incase of an emergency. My mom says everything is going to get better. I can only hope that for once its true.

     My father is a good man and still sends me stuff in the mail. We talk seldom and I have seen him only around 12 times in my life. I have a bit of every nationality in me. From Mexican to Egyptian all the way to Viking and native American.


        Copyright Tyler/Rinku 2005.

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« Reply #1 on: Aug 08 2005, 12:34 AM »
One question... after reading all this i wonder one thing... How is this a rant?


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« Reply #2 on: Aug 08 2005, 12:58 AM »

    When I speak of my family in any way I consider it a rant right off the bat. Though I see how I deviated from the original rant I had in mind... But at least its not like most 14-year-old's rants right?

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« Reply #3 on: Aug 08 2005, 01:35 AM »
I can't say it is since technically it's more of an auto-biography than it is a rant.


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« Reply #4 on: Aug 08 2005, 01:44 AM »

   Well yea notice the things I say about the town Im in and the family mambers? Thats mostly the ranting part   <_<


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« Reply #5 on: Aug 08 2005, 01:49 AM »

     Okey, got this moved to the right place. Semi-rant with a hint being 14 mixed with an autobiagraphy