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The Lounge => Paranormal => Topic started by: Riok on Oct 01 2008, 02:43 AM

Title: Too Emotional?
Post by: Riok on Oct 01 2008, 02:43 AM
Alright, there's always been something about me that I just cannot explain. I don't know if it's how I was raised, just who I truly am, or both...But I always care for my friends. Sometimes to the point where I care a little too much. That's not the whole story though.

Sometimes, I can actually take on the emotion of someone I am talking to. Even through text, I can...even without emoticons. I think the reason is due to something within me revealing that part of someone, but I am not for sure. Oh, and if I'm not making any sense, blame my tiredness.

I notice that when things are serious, I start to take on complete emotion from anyone. I have been saddened to the point of suicide, I will not lie. I have been happier than a bird flying in the wind. I take all these emotions from people and they all dominate me. I don't know who's really in control over me anymore...if it's me...or my own emotions...And quite honestly, I'm afraid of what might happen if I hear about something truly horrifying.

I've always been an emotional person, but now it seems like my emotions have gone beyond controlling, but they make my judgments. And I just cannot stop...

Oh yeah, and now that I've snapped out of auto-pilot (yes, I don't recall what I just typed due to my dark side kicking in, but that's another story), I'll leave it at that.
Title: Too Emotional?
Post by: Kynelongtail on Oct 01 2008, 09:21 AM
I am the same way, in a sense, because i too can take on the full emotions of others through even just reading, But i've learned control over this aspect of myself. It's an empathic thing, and it is a good thing, once you've learned to control and use it to yours and others benefits. I use this gift to 'get in other peoples shoe's if you will, and help them in most any situation, using a 3rd persons view and yet knowing the sides of the others as well.

But anyways, yes, you have a good gift, all you have to learn is control over it, even some control over yoru emotions is a god thing. the first step to learning control is realizing that they are your emotions and YOU have the power to control and make them do what you want. once you have done that, you'll be able to use this gift without hurting your mental status too much.