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The Lounge => Paranormal => Topic started by: Capricorn on Jun 11 2006, 02:33 PM

Title: A faerie maybe?
Post by: Capricorn on Jun 11 2006, 02:33 PM
I was taking pictures in the cemetary at the church that I go to youth group at (or something like that) and managed to catch what looks like a fae. I showed my "sisseh" it and she said it looked like fae holding a wand. Before I showed her, I showed my dad and he said that it looked like it might be a faerie or a dragonfly since how a wing seems to be (it looks like an arm to me, but I can see how it'd be a wing.)

What do you guys think?

The first picture is the snip that is actually what I think to be the fae and the second is the full picture. The little yellow things are fireflies by the way.

Title: A faerie maybe?
Post by: Taoki on Jun 19 2006, 06:09 PM
It defenetly looks like a flame or an energy glow. And a spirit dragonfly is not at all something excluded thow I can't make a difference if it's either a fairy either a dragonfly... it looks like a combination of both somehow... (btw Stray, post the enlarged version, full one again cuz it only loads like a quarter of it here).
This made me remember something i saw on TV years years ago on a show; an magician put a volunteer to stay on a chair and concentrate on a certtain shape on the form of a neon glow. After that, to imagine it like a fire. After that, he took a picture of the person there. And surprise! In the picture, it was the person and the burning shape just above his head. And it was no trick. The volunteer was taken from the public randomly, he did not say the shape he had in his mind and the picture was taken right there.
Combined with this and some japanese theories I've came across on the net once, I would not be surprised to hear that the creature that apeared on your camera could be a fictional character maybe made by someone if not a spirit (I dont know yet very well what the difference between a spirit and a fictional character is) but this is really interesting...
[EDIT] I looked closer and if you look a little over the entire picture you will see it doesn't simply look like a firefly and it inspires the picture of a girl wearing a long dress like a fairy... I shall look at this better...
Title: A faerie maybe?
Post by: Capricorn on Jul 13 2006, 08:48 AM
I had been asked a few times if it wasn't just a bug or anything and I had been thinking that it did look like a dragonfly.. but I can send you the full picture sometime.

And the little yellow spots in the background are the fireflies.
Title: A faerie maybe?
Post by: SalemFuchs on Jul 13 2006, 02:01 PM
Title: A faerie maybe?
Post by: Capricorn on Jul 13 2006, 03:51 PM
Not photoshop! Unless someone hacked onto my computer and fiddled around in my files and "fixed" this picture.

Plus, I have no idea how to find a picture like that to put on the picture.. and I have GIMPShop.. I WISH I had photoshop....
Title: A faerie maybe?
Post by: Samui on Jul 14 2006, 12:06 AM
Well, GIMP supposedly can make those effects, if you are skilled. But, I don't believe it to be a GIMPy image. I'm going to have to agree with what Mircea said.
Title: A faerie maybe?
Post by: Capricorn on Jul 15 2006, 01:37 PM
I can send image to peoples if they wants to see it cos I know that I didn't mess with it.
Title: A faerie maybe?
Post by: Siaarn on Dec 02 2006, 01:26 PM
Err, it's a bug. The flash from the camera just lit it up, it's nothing out of the ordinary, sorry :\ I've taken photos like this before.
Title: A faerie maybe?
Post by: Capricorn on May 05 2007, 10:55 PM
> > Day late and a dollar short it seems though I checked out your reply when I got email notice...

<< But dern.. Oh well.