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The Lounge => Multimedia => Topic started by: DarkOnistar on Jan 14 2006, 04:29 PM

Title: Serenity
Post by: DarkOnistar on Jan 14 2006, 04:29 PM
Serenity is a cool film. It was the finale film of the Firefly series.
It is based on a crew about a firefly class ship called Serenity. (

Firefly was the series before Serenity, but after the company stopped making Firefly there was talk on blogs and forums everywhere.. and then a company decided to make Serenity.. or thats how the story goes..

Looking at the site, they say theres a DVD coming out.. it hasn't come out round here.. but when it does I wanna buy it  :D

[!--SPOILER BEGIN--][div onClick=\"openClose(\'0b117ce56983b08657c728b221a41efc\')\" style=\"font-weight: bold; cursor: crosshair; \"]» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «[/div][div id=\"0b117ce56983b08657c728b221a41efc\" style=\"display:none\"][!--SPOILER END--]Mal = Captain - he lost the war against Independance and the Alliance

Zoe = First Mate - She was Mal's first mate in the war against the Alliance.

Wash = Zoes Husband - Flies Serenity

Kaylee = Engineer - Mal found her with his old engineer, he was fired and Kaylee was hired.

Jayne = Mercenary - found trying to rob Mal. and Mal blackmailed his crew and managed to get Jayne to change sides.. he shot one of his crew and stranded the other. He is pretty much the hitman out of the crew.

Book = Shepard - he is known as Shepard but his name is Book, and he is priest I think.. he has has experience in battle.

Inara = Companion - She get transport for her work by Mal.

Simion = Doctor - Found transporting his sister ilegally, and they are both wanted by the alliance.

River = Fugative - wanted by the alliance, been experimented on.
[!--SPOILER DIV--][/div][!--SPOILER DIV--]

Serenity and Firefly has to be a - Must See - thing if your into Sci-fi or Space related movies.