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Samui: cool Apr 18 2020, 01:04 PM

Kira Resari: I just found out that Tamamo no Mae is featured in Gegege no Kitaro. Here's her first appearance. =^,^= https://www.gogoanime1.com/watch/gegege-no-kitarou-2018/episode/episode-74 Apr 18 2020, 05:04 AM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Nanaca Crash with a score of 4949.85! Mar 14 2020, 05:03 PM

Kira Resari: Aaaand, that's it with my fox shrine thread! Crud, it fell jsut short of 100,000 "views" =^,~'= Dec 14 2019, 09:12 AM

Kira Resari: Yay! The new Pokémon feature new foxes! Soon I can build a team entirely composed from different fox Pokémon =^,^= https://serebii.net/pokedex-swsh/thievul/ Nov 17 2019, 01:11 AM

Kira Resari: Today features the climax of my Japanese spiritual fox experience with an epic ceremony at Toyokawa Inari Betsuin Nov 03 2019, 01:11 AM

Kira Resari: I also wrote/am still writing a blog about all that: http://kiraresari.blogspot.com/ Oct 10 2019, 07:10 AM

Kira Resari: If you check the dates of my Shrine Visits, you'll notice quite a number of gaps which are the days I worked on. =^,^= Oct 10 2019, 07:10 AM

Kira Resari: Not quite. I spent the last two years doing working holidays of New Zealand and Japan. =^,^= Oct 10 2019, 07:10 AM

Queen Chibi: I'm kind of curious how this works Oct 10 2019, 04:10 AM

Queen Chibi: ... so are you just wealthy enough to tour shrines or something? Oct 10 2019, 04:10 AM

Kira Resari: And today: Toyokawa, the Town of Vulpinity =^,^= Oct 08 2019, 01:10 AM

Kira Resari: Featuring today, the shrine with the highest concentrations of foxes in all of Japan: Reigitsunedsuka ~ The Spirit Fox Den =^,^= Oct 03 2019, 12:10 AM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of X-Training I with a score of 16.25! Sep 28 2019, 01:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of X-Training I with a score of 1.958! Sep 28 2019, 01:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Nanaca Crash with a score of 3618.16! Sep 28 2019, 01:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Knife Throw with a score of 1690! Sep 28 2019, 12:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Knife with a score of 32! Sep 24 2019, 09:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Ignite People on Fire with a score of 260841! Sep 24 2019, 09:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Burn Stuff and Die with a score of 10657! Sep 24 2019, 09:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Jewels with a score of 32985! Sep 22 2019, 11:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Kulkis with a score of 3835! Sep 18 2019, 07:09 PM

Kira Resari: Twitch is another of those things that completely passed me by. I suppose I'm just an old-fashioned fox =^,~'= Sep 17 2019, 01:09 AM

Samui: I'm slowly working on an update for the main page's Twitch listing to pull channels from that field. It's a bit of a transition to an eventual overhaul. Sep 15 2019, 11:09 PM

Samui: Oh yeah, I've added a profile field for twitch. Sep 15 2019, 11:09 PM

Glacia: Queen Chibi became the new champion of Kulkis with a score of 3265! Sep 11 2019, 05:09 AM

Glacia: Queen Chibi became the new champion of Jewels with a score of 24420! Sep 11 2019, 04:09 AM

Glacia: Queen Chibi became the new champion of Cubefield with a score of 461760! Sep 11 2019, 04:09 AM

Kira Resari: There will be at least one web browser that is still going to support it, because people will still want to play flash games, and whatever browser supports it will get the influx of those people =^,^= Sep 11 2019, 12:09 AM

Queen Chibi: some browsers won't let you play flash games unless you have a current versions Sep 10 2019, 05:09 PM

Author Topic: Characters  (Read 13489 times)

Offline TalonShadowfox

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« Reply #15 on: Feb 09 2009, 06:57 PM »
Name: Chief SunDance
Race: ancient wolf
Gender: female
Elements: Earth, Ice
Age: 78 (preserved at 25 though)
Status: quite alive
RP Exp: none
Home World: undecided
Description: The Chief was an old she-wolf. She had seen more battles then just about any other warrior on the Plains, except for maybe the other chieftains. Her fur has long since lost any color it once held and had gone pure white. Her left eye had been carved out in one battle, more specifically by the chieftain of the Darkwalker Tribe. She now wore a black leather eye patch over that eye, with the sign of the eight point star woven over the patch in silver. Her leather was made of a combination of hard leather and steel plates, covering her thighs, chest and upper arms. The leather of its making was so heavily scored and scared from battle that it no longer resembled its original form. She wore two vambraces, both of hard leather. Tied to her hip with a leather thong was a horn, one of many horns in fact, every single on of the original tribes of the plains of tears owns one. The tip capped in gold and covered in runes. To an expert artifactor it is the prime example of ultimate beauty. Slung over her back was a Greatsword of immense proportion. Despite her age, she was far stronger then the average warrior, kept in her prime, long past its due, by her need for war and constant honing of her strength.

Her balance between constant physical training and spiritual regiment has effectively preserved her body at the age when she first became chief, 25.
Mental Description: SunDance has the wisdom of her years, yet is possessed by the same recklessness as a hormone soaked teenager.
Weapon of Choice: Greatsword
Style of use: brutal, slash through anything style
Weapon name and description: unnamed: its basically a slab of sharpened steel meant to hew easy through both flesh and bone.
Physical: immensely strong, not even anywhere near how frail she should be at her age.
Magic: fairly weak, instead relies on physical, and takes miracles from the Sun and Earth Mother when she can.
Commonly Used Attacks:
-Spire: jut an earthen spike up from underneath the enemy
-Tremor: cause a small but concentrated earth quake
-Frostbite: causes the tip of her spear to drop to extremely cold temperatures
History: The chief of the SunDance tribe, she effectively preserved her own body for the ages, losing her own singular identity and becoming the very heart and soul of her Tribe, she effectively symbolizes its very life.

Screw light and darkness, I want a piece of both worlds.

Offline TalonShadowfox

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« Reply #16 on: Feb 10 2009, 12:07 PM »
Name: Naoko Eilwen Meredith (Japanese: honest child)  (Welsh: white brow)  (Welsh/English: Sea lord) (combined meaning: Honest Young White Sea Lord)
Race: Red fox/gray fox mix
Gender: female
Elements: Air, Water (sea breeze)
Age: 23
Occupation: Fighter Pilot
Status: quite alive
RP Exp: none
Home World: WWIII style
Description: Naoko is about 4 foot 5 inches, and appears to be much younger than she really is. She has an almost completely flat chest. Her dominant fur color is a rust orange streaked with gray, while her belly fur is an off white, yellowish color. Her left ear is pierced with four silver rings, while her right ear is unpierced. Naoko's tail is tipped in black. She also had her belly button pierced and wears a silver belly button ring.

For clothing Naoko wears a pair of extremely baggy cameo pants, and black leather boots. Her shirt is a military tan green in color and has had the lower portion ripped away to show off her belly. Over this she generally wears a tan leather bomber jacket. Before going into battle on foot she always slings two ammo belts across her chest in an X fashion. To top it off she wears a pair of aviation grade goggles on her head.

Plane Description: Spitfire Delta-78

Built to resemble an early WWII model, however it has been brought completely up to date. Capable of carrying a heavy payload, plasma-titanium Gatling cannons mounted on the wings. Miniature force shield generator. Inside of cockpit has been modified with a G-absorption unit which allows the plane to exceed the speed of sound many times over before even beginning to feel the effects. Wings have the ability to sweep back at supersonic speeds. Engine has liquid cooling system. Computer systems installed contain GPS, heat signature tracking devices, and target enable locking.
Mental Description: Naoko is cocky, over-confident, and is easily provoked into fighting when she is teased about either her height or lack of chest, not to mention she is highly sarcastic and rude. She is also about as straight as a rainbow.
Weapon of Choice: Twin Gatling Guns
Style of use: shooting, or when empty, can be used like massive clubes
Weapon name and description: P-234 Omega and P-234 Gamma- two massive Gatling guns, each about 4 feet long and 3/4 of a foot thick in diameter. The guns each contain 5 barrels. Both are silver in color differing only in the color of the barrels. Gamma's barrels are a blue silver, while omega's are a red silver.
Physical: Very strong, her muscles and bones were reinforced with cybernetics allowing her to lift several times her weight with easy.
Magic: No magical sense, a complete failure, can't even sense ghosts.
History: Naoko was a pilot for the British Airforce during WWIII. Her mother was Welsh while her father was Japanese (hence her odd name). She grew up like any other fur in Wales, going to high school, making friends, spraying graffiti on the walls. She was the textbook example of a trouble seeking tom boy. Unlike her friends though she had no desire to go on to college, so instead she went into the military, or more specifically, the air force. Needless to say, her willingness to take risks and her hard headed "I will do whatever it takes to kick your ass" attitude rocketed her through the cadet program, and she graduated top of her class, despite failing her History class miserably. She is often teased of not yet having hit puberty, or is called a midget.
Quote: "You see this gun? I'm going to shove it so far up your fucking ass that it will come out your throat, then I'm going to fire it."

Screw light and darkness, I want a piece of both worlds.

Offline TalonShadowfox

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« Reply #17 on: Feb 15 2009, 07:14 PM »
Name: Shona 'Angel' Mari
Race: Angel (human-esque)
Gender: female
Elements: Light
Age: 19
Status: quite alive
RP Exp: none
Home World: undecided
Description: Angel looks... well like an angel. More specifically she is of average height, with bright, crystal blue eyes. Her skin is very pale, and delicate looking. Her body, strangely enough, has no scars or impurities anywhere on it. The girl is strangely frail and is quite lacking in muscle. Her hair is pure white, about 4 feet long in length, with the tips light blue. Protruding from her back are two large, white, feathered wings. She can fly with them for very short periods of time,but gets tired easily. For clothing she either goes without, or wears a simple white robe. She is also prone to wearing a nurse’s outfit. Her chest is a fair size, but not anything too large.

Mental Description: She is very naïve about the world, and I constantly asking and questioning the world around her. She has forgotten everything from before she came to the world.
Weapon of Choice: none, is a medic
Style of use: none
Weapon name and description: unnamed
Physical: very weak and frail
Magic: strong, she can use her magic to knit flesh back together, purify demons, or just make a pretty ball of light
Commonly Used Attacks:
Healing skills: both physical and magical
History: Has no past, just simply appeared one day out of thin air. She woke up naked in a dumpster, the first thing she found being a stuffed prinny doll. Because of it she now has an obsession for penguin shaped objects.

-pain killers
-Prinny Doll (with eye patch), she acquired it in the dumpster she woke up in when she was abandoned
-a pad of bound paper for writing notes down on
-a pencil

Screw light and darkness, I want a piece of both worlds.

Offline TalonShadowfox

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« Reply #18 on: Feb 17 2009, 06:16 PM »
Name: Noelle Adeline Suzanne
Race: hybrid (fox-girl, as opposed to a cat-girl)
Gender: female
Elements: Earth
Age: 19
Status: quite alive
RP Exp: none
Home World: undecided
Description: She had bright, red colored hair, with matching red eyes. Her skin, probably once as pale as fresh snow, had tanned with all her work on the farm. The hybrid girl stood probably 5 foot 3 inches, with a nice pair of C-cups, hidden modestly under her homespun dress. The dress was a tan color, made of handwoven cotton thread, the skirt almost reaching the ankles of her bare feet.

She also occasionally wears a very cute french maid outfit.
Mental Description: She is French. Snobby about cooking, likes to do things herself.
Weapon of Choice: frying pan
Style of use: sauté
Weapon name and description: unnamed
Physical: about as strong as any sweet little french farm girl
Magic: none
Commonly Used Attacks:
BONK!: hit enemy over the head with the frying pan.
History: Just a random, very french, farm girl. She can cook, clean, serve, and bash skulls in. She wants to learn to pilot a plane but isn't really motivated

-frying pan
-hair band

Screw light and darkness, I want a piece of both worlds.

Offline TalonShadowfox

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« Reply #19 on: Feb 20 2009, 11:58 PM »
Name: Eirwen Siân
Race: Karifian, Bat-esque species (giant golden-crowned flying fox)
Gender: female
Preference: Bi
Elements: air
Age: 23
Status: quite alive
RP Exp: none
Home World: undecided
-Bio appearance: Eirwen has a well muscled and lithe body. While she isn't that strong, she is highly flexible. Her bones are hollow, like that of a bird, however the composition is different from that of most species, allowing for her bones to still be quite hard and sturdy. Her fur is a rust red in color and is fairly thick. She has eyes that are midnight black with dark blue irises. Eirwen's ears extend for about a foot from her head. The left ear behind pierced 5 times along the bottom edge with small golden colored rings. Normally karifians don't have wings, however they are born with an alternate set of DNA, which allows them to grow wings very rapidly. Karifians have the arm-wing configuration when the secondary DNA is activated. She has long black hair, grown down to her waist and tied back in a braid. She has an A-cup chest size.
-Clothes: Eirwen usually prefers to go nude, mostly because she, like all of her kind, find that clothes are restrictive and create both unnecessary weight and drag while flying. They also prevent the growth of the wings. Despite this she wears a loose fitting black shirt, with a padded combat vest over top. For pants she wears a pair of loose fitting, ultra baggy cameo pants (oh how i wish I had a pair of these). Underneath this assembly she wears a pair of simple, black, tight fitting panties and bra (she has no problem with being naked, but she figured out fairly quickly, that the mission could fail just as easily from being overwhelmed as from her comrades ogling her naked body).
Mental Description: Extremely sarcastic, doesn't have much respect for authority, but does have a good deal of respect for consequences.
Weapon of Choice: Eirwen carries with her a sonic knife, It can either be used to slice through metal like butter or emit sonic signals at various frequencies to scramble signals. Auto-protecting earplugs (designed to protect her sensitive ears from her own weaponry, will automatically seal her hearing when certain frequencies are reached, once the harm passes, they auto unseal her hearing). 3 sonic grenades (small spheres which emit very loud, explosive, sound waves. capable of smashing glass, destroying hearing, and if close enough, liquefying nearby matter. pull pin, 10 seconds latter it goes off, one use only). Sonic hand gun (short range hand gun that emits a concentrated sound beam cable of liquefying matter. has bad range)
History: Eirwen was born as the union of a celebrated hero and a priestess on her home world of Nthyoni. She grew up as a soldier living for the day when she could fight in a war.

Screw light and darkness, I want a piece of both worlds.

Offline TalonShadowfox

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« Reply #20 on: Feb 25 2009, 04:30 PM »
Name: Thi Tien Malai
Race: 'mutt' (cross between a feral elf and an anthro wolf)
Gender: female
Preference: Bi
Elements: wind
Age: 17
Status: crow's nest duty, pirate on the Silverwind
RP Exp: none
Personality: her brain was left out in the sun too long
-Bio appearance: Thi is quite the odd character. If somebody from our world saw her, and she was human, they would say that she looked like a cross between a Celt and the Vietnamese. She is very thin, and her cheeks always are blushing to a certain amount due to all the time she spends in the crow's nest. Her skin is almost a nut brown, however nobody is quite sure if this is due to how much time she spends out side, or her feral elf mom. Her slanted eyes are a brilliant emerald green in color. Her long white hair reaches about half way dow her back in length. Her ears are exceptionally long and pointed, but also covered with white fur, curtsy of her late father, along with the well groomed white tail. She has the body structure of an expert gymnast, with a B-cup chest size.
-Clothes: Thi wears a bandanna wrapped around her head and a black eye patch, although she didn't have anything happen to her eye. In her opinion it makes her look more professional. Her left ear has been pierced an amazing 7 times, each with a simple gold ring. She wears an indigo colored bra. She also had her belly button pierced. Covering her legs is a toga like skirt, also indigo, and if she runs at just the right speed you can see that she isn't wearing anything under- *shot* She disdains shoes and walks around bare foot.
Mental Description: A couple sandwiches short of a picnic. Which isn't a bad thing, she gets along well enough with the crew, and is damned useful. She is just a little... odd at times
History: Her mother was a barbarian feral elf, and her father was an anthro wolf mercenary. He was suppose to lead a group on a mission to wipe out the band of feral elves, but due to a mistake on his part all his comrades died in the fight but him. Unfortunately he found himself on the prisoner side of the spoils of war. A couple of nights of the feral elf leader (thi's mom) playing with her new toy resulted in Thi.

She grew up with the other wild elves of the band and when she came of age she ran away to the sea. She was born and grew up practically naked, so as a result she only wears clothes that she thinks make her look better.

Screw light and darkness, I want a piece of both worlds.

Offline TalonShadowfox

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« Reply #21 on: Mar 19 2009, 04:22 PM »
Name: Verusha
Sex: Female Appearance
Age: 25
Species: Io
Species Description: Io are energy based beings with no physical manifestation of their own. When unclad in a shell, they become spectral spirits and are completely unable to interact with the physical world. All Io are completely gender neutral, however their spectral forms and shells both take on an appearance of a female form. They hail originally from a dead star called Io-katora (which isn't related to the moon Io, or the later discovered, planet Io. For some reason the name keeps popping up in the universe). At some point in their homeworld, they encountered another race with a physical manifestation. According to their lore, this race built them the first 'Shells'. A shell is an android that is approximately 50% bio and 50% machine. It's brain has been fused with a mechanical neural net, which allows the Io which owns the Shell to inhabit it. Like with natural creatures, an Io has to eat (and by consequence, visit the ladies room) in order to keep up an energy source for the body.

Shells are replications of a life form, and as such have all the necessary systems (digestive, neural although altered, urinary, endocrine, and reproductive although, they are sterile). They also have the additional function of summoning battle armor out of a pocket dimension known as 'subspace'. This armor usually serves as protection, and a means for offense. Because of its nature as a subspace item, it is referred to as 'Ghost Armor'.
Appearance: Ugh, I hate doing this, but its just too hard to describe appearances sometimes. All credit goes to the artists who created the pictures included. I only wish I had their talent.

First, the base form of the shell:

Next is an example of the combat armor that she can wear:

Finally is her Io form itself (except ghost like):
Sexuality: female preference, but still has an interest in males
Side: Treasure hunter
Weapons: Ghost Armor, contains a pulse gun (which can draw energy from her Io spectral form using it too often will hurt her), standard platinum shock gun blast (can be used 3 times), and a pair of energy blades that emerge from the wrists. The armor also acts as life support, and can supply the shell with up to two hours of pure O2.
Ship: Emerald Dawn - A small one person ship, contains an escape pod, a bedroom, hyper compact bathroom, cockpit is two seated, on the off chance the captain has a partner in crime. Not the fastest or the strongest firepower wise, but it has good shielding. Its weapon system is composed of two simple, low yield, plasma cannons.
Biography: It is thought by many, the Io included, that the only reason why they are able to manifest themselves in shells is due to technology passed down from the greys. Or, even more likely, a ship crashed into Io-katora and the Io invaded it. One of them most likely got lucky and linked itself to an android, which more or less began their Shell technology. Since then, all of the original technology (no matter who it was from, Seeders or another race) has been broken down, reverse engineered, or lost completely. Verusha wants to find the Seeders again, so she can bring the technology back to her people, so they can advance even farther.
« Last Edit: Mar 27 2009, 10:46 PM by TalonShadowfox »

Screw light and darkness, I want a piece of both worlds.

Offline TalonShadowfox

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« Reply #22 on: Mar 25 2009, 05:11 PM »
Name: Renata of the Book
Reference species: winged arctic fox
Gender: herm
Preference: bi, no preference
Deity of: Time and History
Appearance: Renata takes on the appearance of a vixen with completely white fur. Sprouting from her back are two, very large, feathered wings. Depending on the way the light hits them they can appear to be either white or black. Shi's irises are constantly shifting in color. Branded on hir forehead is an eight point star. Hir bust size is a healthy c-cup. For clothes shi wears a bright red silk robe. Along the hem of the robe are words embroidered in gold thread, they are written in a lost language and can not be translated. Embroidered on the back of the robe, in the same golden thread is the rising sun. Shi wears nothing underneath hir robe.

Clenched underneath hir left arm is a leather bound book. On the front is the same eight point star as on her forehead, on the back is the rising sun. It is in the book that shi records the history of the world. In hir right hand shi bears a scythe with a silver blade, attached to the scythe, just beneath the blade are two golden bells and two red ribbons. (for those who care about the naughty details, shi is feminine dominant, and has no external balls)
Divine abilities: Dream Walking, Fatigue
Fetishes: sunrises and sunsets (times in between normalcy), sand, libraries
Religion: History must be recorded, maintained, and kept flowing. It is not Renata's way to interfere with time as it progresses, rather to make sure that it progresses at all and that it progresses normally.

Notes: hir scythe is not used for taking lives, like the god of death's, rather shi uses it to remove abnormalities in history. (basically, shi would come after you with the scythe if you some how got into a time period that wasn't your own, or if you were trying to some something from another dimension which should not exist in this world)

Screw light and darkness, I want a piece of both worlds.

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« Reply #23 on: Apr 12 2009, 07:01 PM »
Name: Seonaid
Sex: female
Race/Species: Scarred (maned wolf)
Age: 21
-Base Body:

-Located on her left shoulder is the following tattoo:
http://fc32.deviantart.com/fs38/f/2008/328...onShadowfox.jpg (belongs to Talonshadowfox)

She doesn't wear much in the way of clothing (aside from what is shown in the base pic). For the most part she just wears a cloak woven in a fashion to blend into the woods, the clasp is a standard celtic style cross, with the four arms at equal lengths. On each arm is a different colored stone. Top red, bottom blue, right purple, left green. Dead center there is a small round sphere of obsidian. http://freecrosses.com/cross.gif
Sexual preference: Bi, no preference
Magical skills: Druidic (basic control over plants and water)
-An extremely thin, and rather long sword. It's balance isn't all that great but the edge is extremely sharp. Designed to be rather light weight, single edged.
-Rosary with another celtic style cross on it.
Background: Seonaid is a scarred. The scarred were once a city of proud humans known as the Taranis. They hoarded their knowledge before the war, becoming some of the most famous wizards in the world. Their magic was primarily offensive and extremely destructive, at the cost of the users health. The cost came in the form of a backlash wave they called rewhah. When they joined the war, there was an accident and one of their more unstable magics went wild, unleashing it's fury upon it's creators. The rewhah was massive and the resulting wave twisted the bodies of Taranis. When they came too they found that they battlefield had been reverted to a crater, and they had been bound in the shape of wolves.

Injured, insulted, and full of fear, the Taranis retreated to the shadows of the forest, living as barbarians. They became known as the Scarred and were critized as the outcasts of society. The lowest of the low.

Seonaid and the Scarred have learned their lesson, they want either magic to be destroyed or placed in the hands of a select few, so their mistake can never again come to the light of day.

Screw light and darkness, I want a piece of both worlds.

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« Reply #24 on: Apr 12 2009, 10:15 PM »
Username: Tara Infernoflare
Character Name: Silentstar
Sex: female
Species: wolf
Clan Affiliation: Lycus
Rank in Clan: Beta Female
Appearance: Her back is covered with fur the color of wheat, while the vast majority of her other fur is covered by pure white fur. Her right eye's iris is a golden yellow, while the other's iris is ink black, due to a genetic mutation, giving her left eye the appearance of being one solid color, this however, does not cause any vision problems. Her right ear is heavily scarred from a fight she got into earlier in her life.
Personality: Quite, preferring not to waste words, she sometimes comes across as rude because of this, but in reality, she has a great deal of respect for the pack

Screw light and darkness, I want a piece of both worlds.

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« Reply #25 on: Apr 13 2009, 09:47 PM »
Name: Alwyn Ithel
Nickname: Alwyn the Graceful
Age: 34
Gender: male (hmph, I've done enough female characters, I think it's time I changed it up some)
Species: Sarikian (elf like creatures, further description will be provided in appearance section)
Role Type: Swordmaster
Sword Description: Isra - An extremely long sword. The blade length is a massive 5 feet long. The handle is twice as long enough to be considered 2 and a half hands. The sword blade itself is only single sided, with the reverse edge designed to deal out bashing blows. The width of the blade is only about an inch wide. Isra itself is unadorned of ornaments except for a simple emerald set into the pommel, designating the swords as being enchanted with wind magic. The sword has a straight blade.
Appearance: The word 'graceful' doesn't do Alwyn justice. He is thin, and sickly in appearance, all of his kind are. It is commonly thought that Sarikian were once humans themselves, however their evolution took a different turn. They paled, almost to the color of white snow, their eyes and other facial features became more angled. Most of all, they became thing and adopted a distant look in their eyes. Most of all the sarikian are extremely long lived. In the eyes of his people, Alwyn is barely even considered an adult.

It is a small wonder that Alwyn can lift any sword other then a rapier for very long with his build, however for some unknown reason, he has little to no trouble wielding Isra. His hair, for the most part, is cropped short. The bangs of his Valkyrie blond hair hanging down into his icy blue eyes. The exception to this is a long pony tail braid that reaches all the way down to his waist. What he loses in strength he more then makes up for in speed, surefootedness, and flexibility.

His outfit is composed of a pair of light weight, semi baggy, tan pants, a semi-baggy, black sleeveless shirt, a pair of brown, leather fingerless gloves, and a brown cape. He wears Isra across his back in a specially designed scabbard that allows him to sheath and unsheath the sword in a horizontal manner, instead of the usual vertical manner.
Personality: Peaceful but determined. He isn't afraid to speak his mind. Alwyn hates killing, so most of the time, his goal in a fight is simply to incapacitate.
Short Biography: Alwyn was banished from his homeland. It all started when he was 10. Like any other of his race, he was required to take up a weapon to devote his life to. Alwyn decided to take up the sword. In sarikian society, the art of learning to fight with a weapon isn't enough. One must learn how to create the weapon, enchant it, and wield it. This was perfectly fine as far as Alwyn was concerned. The trouble rose when he turned 25.

He had fallen in love with the high priestess of the local temple. As the classic story went, he would sneak into the temple every night to woo her. Then it all went sour. One night, he got caught breaking in. The guards, thinking him a thief and a desecrator didn't hesitate to attack him. Unable to properly weild his sword, he accidentally killed two of them, and mortally wounded a third. In his society, murder is an unforgiveable sin, and so, he was cast out, and cursed. The curse stated that he would never be able to settle anywhere for long, else misfortune would hound his footsteps.

He seeks atonement for his sin by lending his skill with a sword to those who he determines to have 'a noble cause'.

Screw light and darkness, I want a piece of both worlds.

Offline TalonShadowfox

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« Reply #26 on: Apr 16 2009, 04:36 PM »
Name: Sorcha
Sex: Female
Age: 23
Race/Species: fox
base: http://e621.net/data/5e586ebcee88fc368e64e23a61b0ba57.jpg
facial tattoos: http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs30/i/2008/116...onShadowfox.jpg (it's a full facial tat, with the swirly part just beneath her eyes)

body tattoos: http://fc07.deviantart.com/fs26/i/2008/116...onShadowfox.jpg
(when applied correctly it should look like this: http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs30/f/2008/116...nShadowfox.jpg)

(I appologize, I hate using 3d models with rps *shudder*, all credit for the pics goes to the appropriate owners)

Clothing wise, she normally wears a leaf green cloak, nothing underneath
Sexuality: completely bi
Skills: Druidic -
-communication with animals
-tracking in natural areas
-basic control over plants
-use of a hunting knife
Weapons: a simple steel knife with decent balance
Biography: Sorcha is a druid. Her parents were druids. As far back as her family can be traced, they are druids. Like most of her kind, she was given to a pact of wolves shortly after birth to be raised as one of their own. At the age of ten she was deemed ready, and was taken back into druidic society. The first ten years of her life taught her the basics of survival, the second ten taught her how to harmonize herself with nature. As a druid she took a very zealous view of nature, celebrating every Beltane festival with a heated passion, and eagerly awaiting each solstice. unfortunately, as much as Sorcha might wish, she must return to the world of the humans occasionally, as it is her job, appointed by the high druids, to keep an eye on the situation, and preserve the Mother Forest, if it falls endanger.

Screw light and darkness, I want a piece of both worlds.

Offline TalonShadowfox

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« Reply #27 on: Apr 19 2009, 03:44 PM »
« Last Edit: Apr 19 2009, 03:47 PM by TalonShadowfox »

Screw light and darkness, I want a piece of both worlds.