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Samui: cool Apr 18 2020, 01:04 PM

Kira Resari: I just found out that Tamamo no Mae is featured in Gegege no Kitaro. Here's her first appearance. =^,^= https://www.gogoanime1.com/watch/gegege-no-kitarou-2018/episode/episode-74 Apr 18 2020, 05:04 AM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Nanaca Crash with a score of 4949.85! Mar 14 2020, 05:03 PM

Kira Resari: Aaaand, that's it with my fox shrine thread! Crud, it fell jsut short of 100,000 "views" =^,~'= Dec 14 2019, 09:12 AM

Kira Resari: Yay! The new Pokémon feature new foxes! Soon I can build a team entirely composed from different fox Pokémon =^,^= https://serebii.net/pokedex-swsh/thievul/ Nov 17 2019, 01:11 AM

Kira Resari: Today features the climax of my Japanese spiritual fox experience with an epic ceremony at Toyokawa Inari Betsuin Nov 03 2019, 01:11 AM

Kira Resari: I also wrote/am still writing a blog about all that: http://kiraresari.blogspot.com/ Oct 10 2019, 07:10 AM

Kira Resari: If you check the dates of my Shrine Visits, you'll notice quite a number of gaps which are the days I worked on. =^,^= Oct 10 2019, 07:10 AM

Kira Resari: Not quite. I spent the last two years doing working holidays of New Zealand and Japan. =^,^= Oct 10 2019, 07:10 AM

Queen Chibi: I'm kind of curious how this works Oct 10 2019, 04:10 AM

Queen Chibi: ... so are you just wealthy enough to tour shrines or something? Oct 10 2019, 04:10 AM

Kira Resari: And today: Toyokawa, the Town of Vulpinity =^,^= Oct 08 2019, 01:10 AM

Kira Resari: Featuring today, the shrine with the highest concentrations of foxes in all of Japan: Reigitsunedsuka ~ The Spirit Fox Den =^,^= Oct 03 2019, 12:10 AM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of X-Training I with a score of 16.25! Sep 28 2019, 01:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of X-Training I with a score of 1.958! Sep 28 2019, 01:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Nanaca Crash with a score of 3618.16! Sep 28 2019, 01:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Knife Throw with a score of 1690! Sep 28 2019, 12:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Knife with a score of 32! Sep 24 2019, 09:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Ignite People on Fire with a score of 260841! Sep 24 2019, 09:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Burn Stuff and Die with a score of 10657! Sep 24 2019, 09:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Jewels with a score of 32985! Sep 22 2019, 11:09 PM

Glacia: Samui became the new champion of Kulkis with a score of 3835! Sep 18 2019, 07:09 PM

Kira Resari: Twitch is another of those things that completely passed me by. I suppose I'm just an old-fashioned fox =^,~'= Sep 17 2019, 01:09 AM

Samui: I'm slowly working on an update for the main page's Twitch listing to pull channels from that field. It's a bit of a transition to an eventual overhaul. Sep 15 2019, 11:09 PM

Samui: Oh yeah, I've added a profile field for twitch. Sep 15 2019, 11:09 PM

Glacia: Queen Chibi became the new champion of Kulkis with a score of 3265! Sep 11 2019, 05:09 AM

Glacia: Queen Chibi became the new champion of Jewels with a score of 24420! Sep 11 2019, 04:09 AM

Glacia: Queen Chibi became the new champion of Cubefield with a score of 461760! Sep 11 2019, 04:09 AM

Kira Resari: There will be at least one web browser that is still going to support it, because people will still want to play flash games, and whatever browser supports it will get the influx of those people =^,^= Sep 11 2019, 12:09 AM

Queen Chibi: some browsers won't let you play flash games unless you have a current versions Sep 10 2019, 05:09 PM

Author Topic: Other World Book One  (Read 10168 times)

Offline Raine Diam

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Other World Book One
« Reply #15 on: Sep 04 2008, 06:48 PM »
Chapter 16
The Villain

   â€œRUKAN! RUKAN NO!” Cried Rena as she was carried away over Narwith's shoulder. The Weregururumon fought with all his might just to keep her from running to the once hero and getting herself killed.
   Rena kicked hard nailing Narwith in the gut as he dropped her and fell to his knees, “Stop it Rena! He's not Rukan anymore!”
   Renamon shook her head as she looked over her shoulder tears in her eyes, “You don't understand I promised I would...”
   â€œI know! But going in there and getting yourself killed won't solve anything!” Interrupted Narwith with a growl as he got back to his feet.
   Michi and Shade sat aside staying out of the argument as black smoke rose from where they were only minutes before.
   â€œI can't just leave him...” Said Renamon her voice wavering now as her confidence started to fade. She fell to the ground sitting there hugging her tail and knees close to herself as he cried, “I can't lose him... He means everything to me.”
   Narwith sighed softly and walked up to her careful to be at her side to avoid another kick as he kneeled down and put a paw on her shoulder, “listen... You rushing in there won't change anything that's happened. But that doesn't mean our fight is over. Skull is running scared now and with Rukan under her wing he will lead us directly to where she is. Right Michi?”
   Michi hadn't thought of it before now. She looked down at her wrist and nodded quickly, “Yeah I see his D infinity heading north. That's right towards the ruins of digi-central isn't it?”
   Narwith nodded slowly, “Exactly. So what do you say we get this item we need and then siege the bitch's castle. If the world is cleansed I'm sure we will have Rukan back as well.”
   Michi looked up at the towering mountains behind them and shook her head, “I hate heights...”

   Renamon hadn't calmed herself in the least as they traveled through the treacherous mountain terrain. There were times where the party had to stop for her to regain her composure and times where it seemed she was becoming ill. Narwith led the way and only stopped when they absolutely had to. He knew what was happening and knew that it would be best to press on as fast as possible. Not much longer would the woman have her sanity about her and if Rukan got himself hurt... It would spell disaster for all of them.
   Michi was holding Renamon up with the digimon's arm over her shoulder while they made their way through white out conditions. They had to be near the peak of the mountain. Panting hard from the amount of energy they had to use climbing so quickly it was Michi that fell into the snow before the others.
   Shade quickly flew down to pick her up gently and shake his head, “It is not yet our time...”
   Michi looked up at him and shook her head slowly, “Wha...what is that supposed to mean?”
   Shade frowned a bit getting her back to her feet and didn't speak another word as they continued their trek up the mountain. It was getting dark and they could barely see anything in front of them but still Narwith pressed on only giving breaks when Michi seemed she was about to give in to the cold wind and thin air.
   They came to a rock shelf with a cave inlet when Narwith decided it would be too dangerous to continue with the women in tow. It seemed the two of them wouldn't be able to make it to the peak in their current condition.
   â€œYou three stay here. I'm going to press ahead and find this shrine to the gods. I'll return when I find it. Rest up and recover your strength. I won't be gone long I'm sure.” Said Narwith as he deposited his companions in the cave before looking over his shoulder at Shade, “Keep them safe...”
   Shademon nodded slowly as Narwith headed back out into the freezing wind. It bit at the skin beneath his fur like a thousand needles. He had to bend himself forward against it just to keep on his feet as he trudged through the snow. It seemed like an eternity had passed and he knew he wasn't making the progress that he would have liked to but there was a lot weighing on his mind. Rukan needed him just as the rest of the two worlds were depending on him.
   â€œRukan? Rukan what's going on out there?” Shouted Taka into his communicator. He sighed as he fell back into his chair looking to Datamon with a frown, “I wish I knew what the hell was going on...”
   Datamon nodded slowly, “It worries me greatly to see Rukan's Signature just disappear like that and Renamon not anywhere near where it went away. You don't suppose...”
   Taka frowned deeply and shook his head, “Of course he didn't... Ru is much stronger than that. He once survived Supuku. I'm sure he's fine... Just... I don't know what happened is all.”
   Datamon perked up as he unhooked himself from the security system and frowned deeply, “We have been discovered. I estimate three minutes before we are assaulted by Yamaki and his men.”
   Taka sat up quickly as he ran to a window only to see seven HYPNOS vans were blocking the way out. He was breathing quickly as panic took his system over. He looked to Datamon and tried to speak but no words came out.
   Datamon was quick to the chase and started hitting the buttons on the console turning the digital portal online faster than he should have, “We have to escape. I've set the vector to bring us near the others. It looks like it's a mountainous region just south of Digi-central. It will be cold.”
   Taka could only nod as he looked to the portal and then back to Datamon, “Overload the system. I don't want them getting their hands on this tech. Set the worm free into the data stream and make sure it destroys everything.”
   Datamon paused for a moment and looked up to Taka, “But... how will we get back?”
   The japanese boy frowned looking to the floor as he spoke, “I don't think we're coming back Datamon...”
   The digimon nodded slowly as the computer began to whurr and screech as the worm ate it's way through the system making the portal waver. Taka grabbed Datamon and leapt through the portal as Yamaki kicked the door in and shouted after him.
   The portal closed behind them as circuts began to fire sparks and soon the system was burning. Critical parts were destroyed beyond repair and recognition in some parts. Taka wasn't about to let HYPNOS in on the secret.
   The companions twirled and yowled as they were thrown between worlds. Taka lurching a few times at the turbulent ride until they fell into snow in front of a rather surprised WereGarurumon. It instantly went on the defensive putting it's paws up in a fighting stance as the two got to their feet and fell back again seeing the digimon, “Datamon any ideas?”
   â€œRun...” Said Datamon as he quickly began to run away from the creature. Takeshi tried to do the same but was caught by the collar and lifted from his feet. He cried out for his companion as he kicked and squirmed.
   The creature looked him in the eyes giving him a few sniffs before speaking, “You... smell like him. You two were close... recently. Are you Rukan's friend that he spoke of and if so why are you here?”
   Taka grit his teeth and closed his eyes as he was brought close to the monster's muzzle. He was terrified the creature was going to eat him but when it spoke he knew this was a friend not a foe.
   â€œI'm Takeshi... Rukan's best friend. What happened to him?” Replied the boy.
   Narwith sighed and dropped the boy as he tried to see what was ahead of them. He saw a pale light coming through the clouds and since he knew this peek was higher than the clouds he knew they were close, “Listen kid... Rukan got infected when he was defending my village. I owe him not only my life but the lives of everyone he saved along the way. You have quite the friend there... He's become one of Her pawns and soon we will have a way to get him back.”
   Taka nodded slowly as he saw Datamon had come back to him. He frowned looking at the digimon and it shirked back knowing it shouldn't have abandoned him like it had, “Yeah... He's some guy... HYPNOS discovered our portal. Datamon and I barely escaped but in doing so we had to destroy our only way back...”
   Narwith nodded, “Look we have to keep going. Every minute we waste here... Rukan treads farther and farther into her grasp.”

   â€œMy queen... your humble servant has come home.” Said the raspy voice as the creature stepped out of the shadows of the dark and twisted throne room. Wrathimon smirked a bit as he saw SkullRenamon sitting on the throne's arm with a skeleton sitting in it's seat. It must have been thousands of years ago in the digital world's time that Tenshi made it here. The man had been dead all along.
   â€œOh my dear boy you needn't use such formalities around me. We are partners after all.” Replied the dark queen with a smile. She slinked her way down from the Throne to wrap her arms around the creature and kiss him softly on the cheek, “Soon we will rule both worlds... Absolute power and control will be ours. Then we can be rid of this violence.”
   The creature reverted back into it's human form with the odd red eyes and long white hair, “Oh my dear that is a day I hunger for like you wouldn't believe. What would you have me do now to help us realize this goal?”
   SkullRenamon grinned a bit, “I've already set up an ambush on the mountain... Berzerkermon will bring us back that annoying Renamon and kill the rest.”
   Wrath quirked a brow, “And why would we be bringing her? Wouldn't it just be easier to kill her?”
   The dark queen frowned a bit and sighed, “If only it were that simple my dear. It seem Rukan is still alive in there somewhere and you need him to survive. If we did anything to her well it would harm you my champion.”
   Wrath looked up and grinned but found himself holding his head and crying out as his vision wavered for a moment and all he saw was Rain falling and a betrayed look in emerald eyes that stared back at him. It was only a flash of what seemed to be a memory coming to the surface, “He fights ever harder to gain control. I hope the virus smashes him soon.”
   â€œIndeed... which is why I can't send you out quite yet my dear... You are in far too much danger. You need to rest and gain strength.” Said the Skullrenamon softly as she lead him into the darkness, “I'll be needing your help soon enough.”

   Michi sat with her back against the wall as she tried to regain her strength. They had started a fire with what little twigs and flammable materials they could find in the area. Renamon was still skulking in the back of the cave while Shade floated next to Michi with a frown on his face. The three sat in silence aside from Renamon's occasional whimper for some time.
   It wasn't until Shademon's words set in that Michi opened her eyes and looked to him with sadness, “We're... not going home are we...”
   Shade shook his head slowly but remained silent.
   Michi looked to the fire and shook her head slowly, “How do you know?”
   â€œAzulongmon... He found me at the end of my trials... He said that this power would not be ours for long but without playing our part... This story would have a dark ending.” Replied Shade softly.
   Michi looked down at her feet and hugged her knees to her chest, “Then... What do we do now.”
   Shade floated up higher and pulled out his scythe looking to the cave entrance with a frown on his face as the shadow in the snow began to become more clear, “We fight... as partners...”
   Michi stood herself up and shouted, “Digitize!” Turning herself into her digimon form again as she swallowed hard, “I won't give up on your world Shade!”
   â€œIt's our world now Michiko...” Said Shade as he rushed forward swinging his blade into the unknown with Michi by his side.

   Narwith panted hard as did his two new companions as they finally saw the peak of the mountain in range. They looked to each other and smiled at the shrine that was built there but at the same time their blood ran cold. Two statues locked in mortal combat were shown and one was running a young girl through with a long curved blade while the tip of the blade pierced the one holding dagger's heart.
   Taka shook his head quickly, “They both look like...”
   â€œRukan...” Said Narwith with a frown, “Who is the girl though?”
   Takeshi frowns and looked down at the snow, “Ruki...”
   Narwith nodded and reached into his traveling pack to pull out Rukan's blades holding them gently in his paws. He had taken them from Renamon when they fled the village, “These are... the key?”
   â€œYou would be right young Narwith... Such a brave man you've turned out to be.” Came a voice from the clouds only to be joined by another, “And to have made it here all by yourself. It's most impressive.”
   The three looked around quickly trying to find the source of the voice only to have Narwith reply quickly, “I didn't make it here alone. I had my friends to help me along the way and now one of them needs my help.”
   Another voice joined the other two as it spoke, “Oh we know very well of the situation young one. Rukan is indeed in grave peril but through terrible events he will find his path.”
   Finally the fourth voice joined the others, “But your friends will not be there for the rest of this journey... or should I say most of them. The arrival of the human and his companion was not foreseen. We as you probably know are the four guardians of this world. Some revere us as gods. I am Azulongmon. Guardian of the east.”
   The first voice spoke again, “And I am Xuanwumon Guardian of the North.”
   The second joined, “I am Baihumon. Guardian of the West.”
   The third finished, “And I am Zhuqaiomon. Guardian of the South. We will instill the power into the blade you seek. But know that the blade must be infused with life itself in order to be made whole... A sacrifice must be made in order to cure this world.”
   Narwith growled and raised his hackles at the words, “You are false gods! No true guardian of this world would demand blood to safe this world! How dare you assume I would sacrifice a life!?”
   Baihumon spoke softly, “But a life was sacrificed to bring this hell to the world. To undo what has been done we require the spark of life again.”
   Narwith howled in rage, “I won't give any life!”
   Xuanwumon replied, “It was never yours to give Narwith. There are many things in this journey that were never in your control. The Dark Queen has sent one of her most powerful servants to reap the sacrifice that will be her undoing.”
   Narwith stopped then and shook his head, “N...no... Michico, Renamon... Shade...”
   Taka looked scared as he turned back to hear a scream echo on the wind, “Oh my god...”
   Narwith howled and went to his knees, “I failed them! How brave and strong am I now oh gods!? Or was this just a part of your plot!?”
   Azulongmon spoke in a comforting tone, “What is undone can always be remade in this world young one... You know this.”
   Narwith stood himself up and smirked, “Then what is done can be stopped!”
   Zhuqaiomon spoke as Narwith turned, “You cannot save them. What had to be done is already done.”
   Taka shook his head, “Renamon... Mich... Shade?”
   Narwith shook his head, “Taka take these blades and place them on the alter. I'm going back to help!” Narwith threw the blades into the snow and leapt over the side of the mountain grinding his claws into the rock to slow his decent.
   â€œYoung human... Your world and ours is bound together. Interwoven and never to be separated. Should this world die so must your own.” Said the four guardian beasts as Takeshi picked up his friends' weapons. He trudged through the snow to the altar only to find an indentation in the stone in the shape of the digicarbide blade.
   The human put the weapon into the intent and the statue of the girl had it's eyes light up and it began to weep blood with flecks of red data pouring out of it as well covering the altar and the weapon in red. Soon the blade began to glow a bright white as the data was congregating inside it. Taka had to cover his eyes as a howl of ultimate loss came on the wind.

   Narwith lifted his head and cried to the heavens at the horror he returned to. Their worst fears realized. Shade's human form was hung from the entrance to the cave by a spike. He was holding Michi in her Digimon form in an embrace with the spike driven through both of their hearts. Blood had pooled in the snow and tracks were seen leaving. There was no sign of Renamon anywhere.
   The WereGarurumon had arrived only just too late. The scene could only have been seen for a few moments before the bodies burst into clouds of red data and floated into the ether. The friends he had made so long ago on a night where it seemed it was the end had found the end of their stories and their lives were made as a sacrifice to save everyone.
   â€œYou will not be forgotten... She will pay dearly for the crimes she has committed and I swear to you I will kill the agent that did this to you! Your deaths will not be in vain!”