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Sonic 1 and 2 getting the Sonic CD treatment.

Started by Mystical Ninja, Mar 29 2013, 01:08 AM

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Mystical Ninja

Just as he did with the 2011 remake of Sonic CD, The Taxman (along with Stealth) is remaking Sonic 1 and 2 with the Retro engine, and it's going to contain additional content. So far, it's only for mobile phone devices, but they'll most likely make their way onto consoles, just like Sonic CD. Only then will I be able to get these, since I don't have an iPhone or anything else of the sort.

Now, when those two are out of the way, I'm assuming that Sonic 3 & Knuckles is next, and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for its ability to "Lock-On" to the Sonic CD remake, which will enable Knuckles as a playable character.



I hate more than just your guts, fuckwhistle. I hate your mind,
your body, and your soul. Your existance on this shithole of
a planet is meaningless. So it's best for you to commit suicide
right now, the sooner, the faster you can get out of this
gigantic shithole.

Mystical Ninja

Sonic for Android gameplay
So far, none of the supposed "extras" (other than the spin dash) were shown in this video so far, but this is still shaping up to be better than that piece of crap GBA port. Also, the music was muted for some reason.

Mystical Ninja

Still no word on a console release as of yet, but it's been released for the iPhone just recently. So far, there features are:

Quote* Menu system is amazingly awesome, and I have a soft spot for the Sega Vintage Collection intro ditty.
* Tails and Knuckles unlockables? Yum.
* Music using original synths is noticeable.. unsure if I like or dislike, honestly. No opinion. Benefit of this (and sequenced) is speed-up on speed shoes just fine.
* Springs are SCD-styled, which I don't mind at all.
* Rings and Giant Rings are 8-framed.
* Special Stages are much, much harder with smooth rotation, but amazing all the same. Very nicely done.
* GHZ Boss has wide-screen changes, the previously seen in video ball rotation (it looks even better in actual motion on device).
* GHZ Boss also can't be hit until the ball comes down. (This will annoy a few people!)
* Yours truly in the Special Thanks. :U (Unexpected but lovely surprise; I can die happy now I'm in the credits of a Sonic game. :U)

While these new features are nice and everything, I'm not as impressed with this as I was with the Sonic CD remake, because Sonic 1 is already hackable, and fully functional Tails and Knuckles ROM hacks have already been pulled off. Also, seeing this makes me feel even more down about Knuckles being blatantly disregarded in the Sonic CD remake.

Mystical Ninja

Well, lookie what we have here... Super Sonic's been confirmed, along with Sonic 3's elemental shields:

Sonic the Hedgehog (iOS) - Level select and secrets

Not only that, but some beta content has been put to use:

Mystical Ninja


Unfortunately, there's still no official word on whether or not these are getting console releases, but in the meantime, the Sonic 2 remake is scheduled for release this winter. Considering the crapload of new content that Taxman and Stealth's Sonic 1 port had, it's definitely a safe bet that the same will be happening with Sonic 2. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Hidden Palace, Wood Zone, Genocide City, etc. were to show up.

Mystical Ninja

Sonic 2 comes out tomorrow, complete with a fully-restored Hidden Palace Zone. I really wish they'd get on with the console releases, already. Especially since they never outright said it wasn't going to happen, and were even (vaguely) hinted at on some occasions.


at best, wait 'till sonic 3/&K gets remade (if they do it) and then maybe they'll consider console launches

smartphones are for calling people and getting cancer and shit, these are meant to be, and deserve to be played on hardware meant for gaming like their original releases

I hate more than just your guts, fuckwhistle. I hate your mind,
your body, and your soul. Your existance on this shithole of
a planet is meaningless. So it's best for you to commit suicide
right now, the sooner, the faster you can get out of this
gigantic shithole.


no one brought this up yet here

it was going to be a boss attack zone with all of the bosses in one area, but sonic team didn't like it

them crackers gfx...

I hate more than just your guts, fuckwhistle. I hate your mind,
your body, and your soul. Your existance on this shithole of
a planet is meaningless. So it's best for you to commit suicide
right now, the sooner, the faster you can get out of this
gigantic shithole.

Mystical Ninja

Yeah, I've known about Egg Gauntlet for quite some time. I've always had a feeling that the stage could still be accessed in some way (much like Hidden Palace, Wood, Genocide City, etc. in the original), but I wasn't entirely sure. This makes me wonder whether or not Desert Dazzle and Final Fever are still accessible in Sonic CD remake.


Nobody hacked and found a way to Dessert Dazzle and Final Fever yet. Too bad this Sonic 2 remake instead of pleasing those who knows that Hidden Palace wasn't the only scrapped zone, made a weird zone for Eggman to show off his bosses. I prefer the final version of the boss time attack, attacking Eggman's contraptiona where they were meant to attack you.


heavily doubt DD/FF made it far enough from the drawing board before sega shot them down for them to be in any playable form in sonic CD retro

I hate more than just your guts, fuckwhistle. I hate your mind,
your body, and your soul. Your existance on this shithole of
a planet is meaningless. So it's best for you to commit suicide
right now, the sooner, the faster you can get out of this
gigantic shithole.


Quote from: Yerix on May 01 2014, 05:17 AM
heavily doubt DD/FF made it far enough from the drawing board before sega shot them down for them to be in any playable form in sonic CD retro

Not to mention its been nearly 2 years after Sonic CD's ultra remake saw the light. Plus why should we bother about scrapped zones as much as bother about proper ports to consoles and PCs? Hidden Zone was added into Sonic 2's port to tease us into spending more money on a... 20 years plus old game made on modern mobile platforms. SEGA still excells at selling the same games from decades ago.

Mystical Ninja

Well, what do you know? As it turns out, the original Hidden Palace, complete with the so-called "unused" Track #10, is still intact. Through normal means, it can be accessed with the code 03, 03, 03, 0B, 10, 10, 10, 04 after entering the debug mode cheat first. I have to say... This definitely puts my mind at ease. The one thing I hated about the new Hidden Palace is the fact that Track #10 wasn't used (which, in my opinion, is far more fitting than the two-player Mystic Cave theme). While it would be nice if there was a cheat to get that to play in the revised Hidden Palace, this is definitely the next best thing.

As said above, I really wish the other scrapped Zones could have made it in the remake. Egg Gauntlet, in particular, could have easily passed off as Genocide City/Cyber City.


I'm still not happy.

My Amazon Appstore version doesn't even recognize the Mystic Caves and Track 10s code. Damn.
However debug mode + end stage sign + Death Egg Zone = Instant warp back to Hidden Palace Zone (revised) + a "Perfect Bonus" of 50000 points exclusive to the Death Egg Zone (???) + 50000 time bonus.