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A new focus...

Started by Samui, Jul 22 2011, 10:59 AM

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I've been thinking about this for the past few days. I pretty much have done everything for this site, to make it what it is. Sure, it's not active, but I can't force it to be. Nor can I force people to find this place and stay. It has reached - and probably passed - its prime, and I should be happy for that. There are still quite a few things I can do - namely, actually work on my stories, finish a few of the features, and so forth - but it's not that big of a deal. It's time to move on.

I decided I should get started again on a project that Raine and I were working on a couple years ago. A Digimon MUSH. As far as I know, it is a niche previously untouched in the MU* community, and I'm sure that there will be an audience for it. I think of it as sort of going back to our roots, but making a new branch. Kitsuria Network will still live. In fact, I'm not making a separate domain for this project, it will be a subdomain of this one. The name will be "Digital Dimension", same as what we were called way back in the day.

There will be more on this, shortly. I still have to design the site, then teach myself MUSH coding. It will take time, but I feel it will be worth it.

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dreams are as portals, flat visions of misty places, fragments bound below my surface.
but i can write dreams, they flow from me, inscribed yet now unbound. i touch them, and they are real....and they are real.

- Catherine: realMYST Trailer -