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I'm going to try to do monthly update posts. Perhaps to keep myself motivated? Maybe? Motivation is something I am in need of right now.

Not much to say about January. It's been...a month. I managed to get a PB (actually two) in Sonic Forever ( I've also been working on small things here and there, basically planning what I'm going to be doing on stream hopefully soon. I've got a couple PK Scramble seeds prepared, and I'd like to get back to clearing my Steam backlog.

There's not much else to say right now. Hopefully February will be better!

And so another new year begins! 2024 was one of the years of all time. Got a late start on things, but I did manage to knock out a few randomizers, and I look forward to doing more of them this year! My goals for this year are..pretty much the same as last year. And the year before. And the year before... I've really gotta organize and figure stuff out. But I do intend to get caught up on some stuff and things. ^_^

So....yeah! Here's to a happy and productive new year!
So, it's been 5 years since I posted an update on here. I've been working on this on and off - mostly off. I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things (much like other stuff I'd been putting off), and finally getting around to getting the new sprites put back in and the map changed to reflect the story.

Most of the graphics have been updated, so all that's left to do is the scripting.... wait, didn't I say this before? Maybe. I've been rewriting some things in my head, trying to make it a little more different from the original Twoson campaign. Basically, there won't be a "pencil eraser" thing, Paul got captured for being nosy, and...uh, that's all I can think of.

Here are a few screenshots of the progress. Delibird and Bidoof are there because I used debug. (and the hippie has already been replaced by another enemy - this is just showing "Polestar" removed from the house. it's just going to be a regular house and not a school)

parabound_msu1.008.png parabound_msu1.010.pngRead More

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